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Cell Theroy TImeline

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    The Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher

    1. The Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher (1601– 1680) showed, in 1658, that maggots and other living creatures developed in decaying tissues. 2. This is important to our medicine of modern age to show and know signs of a infestation in the body or some kind of infection.
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    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    1. Another new world of extraordinary variety, that of microorganisms, was revealed by the exciting investigations of another Dutchman, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723). The particles that he saw under his microscope were motile and, assuming that motility equates to life. 2. This event is important for the understanding and discovery of life it's self, understanding how it came to be.
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    Robert Hooke

    1. But the first description of the cell is generally attributed to Robert Hooke (1635–1702), an English physicist who was also a distinguished microscopist 2. This important event and contribution helped start the study of cells, the first basic facts of the cell was created allowing scientist of today to understand cells even more.
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    Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam

    1.In the same period, oval red-blood
    corpuscles were described by the Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam (1637–1680),
    who also discovered that a frog embryo
    consists of globular particles.2. This important because of the discovery in and explanation of oval blood corpuscles which kick started the study and understanding on blood.
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    Lazzaro Spallanzani

    1.This theory,
    which implied a continuity between living
    and non-living matter, natura non facit saltus, was disproved by the masterful experiments of the Italian naturalist Lazzaro
    Spallanzani (1729–1799) 2. This event is very important to the understanding of living and non-living in science, now we can tell the sun isn't living and tree are.
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    Robert Remak

    1, This theory of ‘free cell formation’ was reminiscent of
    the old ‘spontaneous generation’ doctrine
    (although as an intracellular variant), but
    was refuted in the 1850s by Robert Remak
    (1815–1865) 2. Without this theory being brought to everyone's attention it was tested and approved or disapproved which answers the questions today about cells allowing us in todays to understand
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    Albert Kölliker

    1, Albert Kölliker (1817–1905) who showed that cells are formed through scission of pre-existing cells 2. This major event showed us if cells were already there or were just popping up randomly which caused a massive argument among scientist until they all came up with a theory that we still use today
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    Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) along with Albert Kolliker both tried to prove that cells were pre existing together and were one of the major causes of the cell theory. 2. This major event is important for the shaping/making of the cell theory all the theories tested and argued, this event helped cause it making it one of the key causes of the cell theory.
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    Louis Pasteur

    1. Other researchers showed that an organism derives from another organism and that a gap exists between inanimate matter and life. (But it was a century later before the idea of spontaneous generation was definitively refuted, by Louis Pasteur, 1822–1895 2. This discovery is important to the fundamental understanding of the gap between life and matter and seeing the differences they both share.
  • cell theory was officially formulated

    cell theory was officially formulated
    1. Hints at the idea that the cell is the basic component of living organisms emerged well before 1838–39, which was when the cell theory was officially formulated. Cells were not seen as undifferentiated structures. 2. This is a major event that shaped the history of understanding cells at all, without this theory it would be harder for our scientists of today to understand cells they way they do now thanks to the cell theory