Cell Theory: A Historical Perspective WebQuest Project-Gloria Urrego

  • 384 BCE


    1. Aristotle was a greek philosopher around 384b.c. (does not show in timeline)
    2. Aristotle's contributions towards the cell theory include his dissections and his basic classifications of living things. ( https://prezi.com/ctoo0ykyafky/the-cell-theory-and-the-scientists-that-contributed-toward-this-theory/ )
  • Zacharias Janssen

    Zacharias Janssen
    1. This man was the inventor of the first microscope.
    2. His invention was further improved by other scientists, who used it to lead them to the first citing of a cell, thus leading into the cell theory. ( https://prezi.com/jyj_qhug27g7/hans-and-zacharias-janssen/ )
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont

    Jan Baptist van Helmont
    1. He believed in spontaneous generation.
    2. Contributed to cell theory because he believed if you covered a bag of rice with a rag mice would be produced. ( http://www.famousscientists.org/jan-baptist-von-helmont/ )
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    1. He discovered that plants were comprised of similar boxes during an observation of fossil wood. He named those boxes cells, aiding to the creation of the cell theory by discovering the cell that it describes. ( https://prezi.com/jyj_qhug27g7/hans-and-zacharias-janssen/ )
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek used his powerful microscope to make major biological discoveries.
    2. He was considered the “father of microbiology’.
    3. Microscopes were essential in the discovery of the cell theory, for they allowed the study of the cell itself. ( https://prezi.com/jyj_qhug27g7/hans-and-zacharias-janssen/ )
  • Lorenz Oken

    Lorenz Oken
    1. Oken created new classifications for animals based on their evolutionary path.
    2. His classifications show an understanding of the similarities between organisms, which leads back to cells being the fundamental unit of life. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_Oken )
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    1. His observations led him to discover the cell’s nucleus, and was the first scientist to describe the nucleus’ natural occurrence in living organisms’ cells.
    2. He gave the nucleus its name, and helped to develop the cell theory by attempting to understand the nucleus' importance in cellular activity. ( http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm ) and ( https://prezi.com/jyj_qhug27g7/hans-and-zacharias-janssen/ )
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    1. He developed the cell theory, with the help of other scientists, that summarized up all of their findings.
    2. He had previously discovered that cells do not spontaneously appear, which lead to the formation of the third principle of the cell theory. 3.His biggest contribution was the organization of all of the scientific findings of cells into the cell theory. ( http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm )
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    1. Schleiden was one of the founders of the cell theory, therefore his contribution to its creation is by creating it.
    2. He worked with Schwann to create the final version of the cell theory.
    3. Schleiden worked with other scientists on the importance of the nucleus in cell division, as well as having detailed observations of plant development on a cellular level. ( http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm )
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    1. Created the modern concept of pathological processes using the cell theory. That concept describes the development and origin of pathogens in an organism.
    2. According to his process, diseases arise within an organism's individual cells, and then, based on the second principle of the cell theory that organisms are made of an array of connected cells, they travel to other cells. ( http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm )
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    Albrecht von Roelliker
    1. He realized that sperm cells and egg cells are also cells.
    2. He contributed to the cell theory by figuring out where life comes from. ( http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm )
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    1. Pasteur helped to disprove spontaneous generation, thus proving the third principle of the cell theory yet again.
    2. His discoveries led him to create the theory of biogenesis, which states that all life comes from preexisting life.
    3. Biogenesis sums up the third principle of the cell theory. (http://www.smithlifescience.com/celltheory.htm)