cell theory timeline

By nico71
  • 1500

    invention of the microscope

    microscope was invented in the 16th century, I chose this because this allowed for further investigation of cells
  • Micrographia published

    It was the first book to have images of plants under a microscope and is also why i chose it because people can see what it looks like
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek coined the term cell

    the term cell was created by him and I chose this because this is the term we've been using for century's to describe cells
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    Matthias Jakob Schleiden

    helped form cell theory
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    Theodor Schwann

    helped form cell theory
  • recognized the term nucleus essential

    The Scottish botanist Robert Brown was the first to recognize the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells (1831). I chose it because the nucleus is important
  • the idea of spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur refuted the idea of spontaneous generation. I chose this because this was a new idea that was being refuted so this made a discussion to talk about new ideas
  • The conclusions of Schleiden and Schwann represent the offical formation of cell theory

    "The conclusions of Schleiden and Schwann are considered to represent the official formulation of ‘cell theory’ and their names are almost as closely linked to cell theory as are those of Watson and Crick with the structure of DNA"
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    Santiago Ramón y Cajal

    His neuroanatomical investigations contributed to the
    the basic concepts of modern neuroscience.
  • Waldeyer introduced the term neurons

    Waldeyer introduced the term ‘‘neurons’’ to indicate independent nerve cells. I chose this because this turned into neuron theory