Cell Theory Timeline

  • 330 BCE

    Aristotle's Contribution

    Aristotle's Contribution
    In approximitely 330 BCE, Aristotle discovered that even the most random things, like chick embryos, go through many different processes and stages by the work of cells before reaching their final stage.
  • Period: 320 BCE to

    Cell Theory Contributions

  • Zacharias Jansen's Contribution

    Zacharias Jansen's Contribution
    Around 1590, he founded the idea of a microscope by simply noticing that by placing two lenses together, what you look at will magnify.
  • Jan Baptist Van Helmont's Contribution

    Jan Baptist Van Helmont's Contribution
    In the early 1600's, Jan Baptist Van Helmont contributed to the cell theory by his discovery of photosynthesis. He discovered it by conducting a 5-year long experiment with a willow tree, studying how it reacts to different soils and waters, and in the end, discovering its reaction and process.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    In 1665, This man discovered plant cells in general. His discovery led to a clearer understanding of cells.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek's Contribution

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek's Contribution
    In 1674, while studying a single drop of pond water under a microscope, found lots of single-celled organisms, which he called "animalcules" (plant an animal), swimming around in the droplet. This made a contribution to the Cell Theory by making yet another discovery of cells in a new location.
  • Lorenz Oken's Contrubution

    Lorenz Oken's Contrubution
    In 1805, Lorenz Oken stated that "All living organisms originate from and consist of cells." This was supposedly the first statement specifically towards the cell theory.
  • Robert Brown's Contribution

    Robert Brown's Contribution
    In 1831, Brown discovered the nucleus and its role, ultimately contributing in a cell's structural way for the first time.
  • Matthias Scheilden

    Matthias Scheilden
    In 1838, Scheilden found that all plants tissues are coomposed of cells. He also discovered that an embryanic plant aros from a single cell.
  • Theodor Schwann's Contribution

    Theodor Schwann's Contribution
    In 1838, Theodor Schwann, with the assistance of Matthias Scheilden, developed the "Cell Theory" itself. They found that all plant and animal tissues are composed of cells. They also discovered that all cells inside a certain organism are identical.
  • Rudolph Virchow's Contribution

    Rudolph Virchow's Contribution
    In 1855, this man released a statement saying that all cells come from pre-existing cells.
  • Albrect Von Roelliker

    Albrect Von Roelliker
    Around 1861, he stated that tissue was all made up of cells and that cells were all made up of pre-existing cells
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    This man created/discovered pastuerization by finding that you can remove bacteria from a liquid by boiling it then cooling it again.