
Cell Theory Timeline

  • The Letter

    The Letter
    A letter included descriptions of many specific forms of microorganisms such as protozoa, and other kinds. This is important because it was a strong to the start of cell theory.
  • A realization!

    A realization!
    During a study, the Scottish botanist, Robert Brown was the first to recognize the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells. This is a contribution because the nucleus was the start of the cell and it was the first part of the cell discovered.
  • Another realization!

    Another realization!
    Another botanist, Matthias Jakob S. suggested that every structural element of plants is composed of cells or their product. This helped show that no only people and animals have cells.
  • The last straw

    The last straw
    Before the 1838 there was a determination that the cell is the basic component of living organisms, and that lead to the cell theory officially being formulated. this is important because it was the official start of the cell theory.
  • A contradicting statement

    A contradicting statement
    The theory
    of ‘free cell formation’ was reminiscent of
    the old ‘spontaneous generation’ doctrine, but
    was refuted in the 1850s by Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow
    and Albert Kölliker who showed that cells are formed through scission of pre-existing cells. This is important because it ruled out he fact that cells dont come from other cells.
  • Tissue formation

    Tissue formation
    A few scientists who showed that cells form through scission of pre-existing cells. Every cell from a preexisting thus became the theory of tissue formation. This is important because since they now knew that cells came from other preexisting cells, now they knew why and what theory made it happen.
  • Another step forward

    Another step forward
    In 1870 the development of the microtome technique and the use of new fixing methods and dyes, greatly improved microscopy. This is an important event because since the microscopes were updated, they could do and see more with their research.
  • The "final triumph"

    The "final triumph"
    When the nervous system was also found to be made up of independent unit, cell theory obtained its final triumph. This is an important date because they figured out what the nervous cell was made up of.
  • A new idea!

    A new idea!
    In October, the swiss embroyologist Wilhelm His, put foward the idea that the nerve- cell body and its prolongations form an independent unit. This is important because another claim was made and now they would have to see if it was true.
  • Farther along observations

    Farther along observations
    In 1897, the term "ergastoplasm" was introduced when mitochondria was observed. This was important because the mitochondria was another relly important part of the cell that was found