Cell Theory Timeline

  • Hooke Michrographia

    Hooke Michrographia
    This event was one of the first important works devoted to microscopal observation. This event is important because it showed what the microscope could mean for naturalists and how it cold impact cell studies.
  • Leeuwenhoek's Observation

    Leeuwenhoek's Observation
    This event was Hooke's observations assuming what we now call cells were equate to life. This is important because it was the first identification of cells.
  • Spontaneous Generation Refution

    Spontaneous Generation Refution
    This event was Spallanzani refuting spontaneous generation. This is important because for centuries we carried false information on cells/life and it would not be beneficial overtime .
  • Nucleus Introduction

    Nucleus Introduction
    Robert Brown first identified the nucleus as a essential constitutent for living cells. This is important because the nucleus is essential itself, it contains the genetic material, the DNA, and controllingthe cell.
  • Period: to

    Formulation of Cell theory

    This event was about how Mattias Schleiden came up with a theory stating that all plants are composed with cells, and the following year was proven for animals. I chose this because this informed us how plants and animals contain similar life and cells to humans.
  • Basis of the Theory of Tissue Formation

    Basis of the Theory of Tissue Formation
    This event is about two scientists who developed a theory on how every cell has a pre-existing cell. It is important because it supports the refution of spontaneous generation.
  • Introduction of Oil Immersion Lens

    Introduction of Oil Immersion Lens
    This event is about the development of the microtome technique and improvement of microscopy. This is important because the improvance in microscopy could help us obtain much more information on cells.
  • Nervous System Network

    Nervous System Network
    This event is about Joseph Gerlach expanding Kollikers view stating a nervous systems establish anastomones with each other through branching of their dendrites. This is important beacuse it furthers the nervous system claim.
  • Identifying Telophase

    Identifying Telophase
    This event was about theidentification of the process that each half of chromosones went to opposite poles. This is important because this is when we start developing more of the cells functions.
  • Neuron Theory Introduction

    Neuron Theory Introduction
    This event is on how Waldeyer introduced the term neurons as independent cells. This is important because it furthers our understanding on "neurons" capability.