Cell Theory Timeline

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  • Hans and Zacharias Janssen

    Hans and Zacharias Janssen
    Zacharias, with the help of his dad, Hans, is believed to be the first investigator to invent the compound microscope.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert, known as the "English Father of Microscopy", invented the word "cell", and wrote and published "Micrographia".
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton was looking at pond scum under a microscope when he discovered small organisms known as animalcules or Protists.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton discoved bacteria.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    Matthias discovered that al plants were made of cells and he contributed to the creation of the cell theory.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    Theodor deduced that all animals are made of cells and contributed to the formation of the cell theory.
  • Rudolph Virchow

    Rudolph Virchow
    He is known as the "Father of Pathology." He also discoved that all living cells come only from other living cells.