Developing the Cell theory

  • The Invention of the Microscope

    The Invention of the Microscope
    The Microscope was Invented at the beginning of the seventeen century by Zacharias Janssen. The Microscope allowed people to look at the microscopic world which opened up a lot of doors for new discoveries.
    This invention is Important because allowed people to take a look at microscopic organisms that they never knew were living, and I added this to my timeline because without this Invention I don't think a scientist would have discovered cells.
  • Period: to

    Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke was an English physicist who was the first person to describe cells. He described it in his book Micrographia as a structure of a slice of cork and came up with the term cells.
    I think that he is important because he came up with the term cells and started this fascination with cells by sharing his reasearch.
  • Living Microscopic Organisms Letter

    Living Microscopic Organisms Letter
    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered microscopic animal-like organisms, which he called ''Animalcules.'' he sent a letter out to the Royal Society telling them the stuff he had discovered.
    This event was important because it showed that some of the microscopic things people were finding were living organisms.
  • Nucleus in epithelial cells

    Nucleus in epithelial cells
    Felice Fontana was an Abbot who had discovered the Nucleus in epithelial cells through his microscope.
    This discovery opened the doors for more sciences to discover the Nucleus in cells and lead to the Nucleus being a component of living cells.
  • Achromatic Microscope Introduced

    Achromatic Microscope Introduced
    The Achromatic Microscope allowed historical observations to be more precise and accurate.
    I think that this microscope is important because it allowed discoveries to be made including Schleiden and Schwann's contributions such as the cell theory.
  • Cell Theory

    Cell Theory
    Zoologist Theodor Schwann and Botanist Matthias Jakob
    Schleiden comes together to discuss the similarity in the research on cells. Together they created Cell Theory.
    I think this Important because the Cell theory shaped how scientists look at life and gave us a better understanding of how cells work.
  • The Neuron Theory

    The Neuron Theory
    The Neuron theroy shows that nerve tissue is composed of individual cells. A continuation to the Neuron theory was Karl Deiter book that had pictures and descriptions of nerve cells,
    I chose this for my time line because the discoveries found from studying the nervous system helped us better understand cells and helped the cell theory receive its final triumph.
  • The Black Reaction

    The Black Reaction
    The Black reaction resulted in the most important Breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy. It was developed by Golgi.
    This reaction is important because it provided a full view of a single nerve cell and created a better technique for absorbing and studying Nerve cells.
  • The Missing Link

    The Missing Link
    The Missing Link is the Initial passage between inorganic matter to the primordial cell. It is the theory of spontaneous generation and the origin of life.
    This theory is important because it helps prove that all cells come from preexisting cells and that it is believed that in order for all life to exist there had to be preexisting cell.
  • Components of Cells Discovered

    Components of Cells Discovered
    Through the years different parts of the cell were being discovered. Including ergastoplasm which is a basophilic cytoplasmic part of animal and plant cells.
    These discoveries are important because they help better our understanding of cells and what they do for different living organisms.