Cell Theory History

By T Perro
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    Living Microorganisms

    A Dutchman by the name of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered the movement of microorganisms. He then assumed that movement equates to life, he verified this by writing a letter to the Royal Society on October 9 1676, that the organism he seen were indeed living.
  • Microscopical Discovery

    Microscopical Discovery
    First official published work of microscopical observation of any kind was released by a man named Robert Hooke. He informed that at that level you can see the building blocks of the cell structure.
  • Piecing Together Cells

    Piecing Together Cells
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden suggested that all structural elements of plants is composed of cells because of the research of cells including similarities.
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    Individuality of Cells

    Cell Theory was formulated, when before cells were not considered or seen as a different structure. They have visualized the nucleus and other few cellular components in cells which gave them idea of that they are living matter, since they were seen in many different cells with other similarities.
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    Promotion of Neuron Theory

    The Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal became the main supporter of the neuron theory. His investigations contributed to the basic foundations of the neuron theory. Even though defiant proof of neuron theory obtained later.
  • Development of Microtome

    Development of Microtome
    Microtome technique used oil and dyes for fixing and very much improved microscopy.
  • Neuron Theory

    Neuron Theory
    More in-depth understanding that was proposed by Joseph Gerlach that nerve cells established a connection to the nervous system through a network formed by the minute branching of their dendrites They assumed this structure together was an essential for anatomical and functional communications.
  • Cell Independence

    Cell Independence
    Wilhelm His was expressing the idea that the nerve cell body and its long lasting form an independent unit.