Hans and Zacharis Janssen
Dutch Lens grinders, Father and son
Produced first compound microscope (2 linses) -
Robert Hooke
English scientist
Looked at a thin slice of cork(oak cork) thrugh a compond microscope
observed tiney roomlike structure that Monks lived in
ojnly saw the outer walls -
Anton van leeuwen
Dutch fabric Mercahnt
looked at blood, rainwater,scrapings from the teeth simple microscope (1 lens)
observed living cells: some called animucasls \
some of the small animucals are called bacteria -
matthias scheleniden
german botanist
plant parts under a microscope
discovered plants were made of cells -
theodore schwann
german zoologist
put animal parts under microscope
discovered that animal parts were made of cells -
Rudolph Virchow
German physician
stated that all living cells come only from other living cells