Robert Hooke
-examined very small pieces of cork under a microscope and saw "tiny pores" and called them cells
-had no observations of a nucleus or any other organisms -
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
-made mircoscope which gave magnifications up to 270x , which was the finest at the time
-with his mircoscope, he discovered the existence og single-cell organisms, such as protists, spirogyra
-with this he discredited the idea of spontaneous generation -
Henri Dutrochet
was the first to investigate respiration and also did experiments on osmosis. he also was first to see the importance of the function of individual cells in an organism. -
Matthias Schleiden
discoverd the importance of the cell nucleus and theorized about the connection the cell division -
Felix Dujardin
-found a new group of one-celled animals called protozoans ( which he called rhizopoda )
-observed other life substances that retained no form and the substance sarcode ( later called protoplasm )
- refuted Ehrenberg theory that microspoic animals have the same organs as other animals -
Theodor Schwann
he obsereved the formation of yeast and the fermentation and concluded that this was because of a life process -
Rudolf Virchow
came with the theory that every cell comes from a preexisting cell or that every cell is not completely original