Cell Theory

  • Hans and Zacharias Jansen

    constructed first compounded microscope
  • Robert Hooke

    observed cork and described it as a honeycomb with many little boxes or cells
  • Francesco Redi

    performed an experiment to determine if flies came from rotting meat but discovered that flies laid eggs in the rotting meat for them to appear.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

    discovered bacteria from observatuons of his saliva.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani

    He determined that soup in a sealed container was sterile and that micro organisms that caused the soup to spoil had entered from the air.
  • Robert Brown

    Observed the nucleus in a large body was present in both plant and animal cells.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    found that all living matter is composed of small units called cells.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Also found that all matter is composed of cells.
  • Rudolph Virchow

    Stated that where a cell exists, there must of been a pre-existing cell.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Experimented that determined that soup exposed to air only spoiled if the air was not filtered or if the flask containing the soup had an opening that allowed micro organisms to get to the soup.