cell theory

  • Hooke publishes Micrographia

    Hooke publishes Micrographia
    The first book dedicated to microscopical observation , and
    showed what the microscope could mean for naturalists. He described the microscopic units that made up the structure of a
    slice of cork and created the term cells. I chose this because this was like the beginning for the cell theory
  • Van Leeuweenhoek sends letter to the royal society

    Van Leeuweenhoek sends letter to the royal society
    Leeuweenhoek sent a letter to the royal society informing them that these particles were living organisms he then described different forms of these microorganisms that he called animalcules, including protozoa and other unicellular organisms I chose this because now its being put out there to the public
  • Achromatic Microscopes

    Achromatic Microscopes
    Achromatic Microscopes are created allowing more precise histological observations and improving tissues preservation and treating techniques
  • Robert Brown recognizes the nucleus

    Robert Brown recognizes the nucleus
    i chose this because Brown recognizes the nucleus as an essential constituent of living cells Brown noticed the general occurrence of the nucleus in these cells and thought of the organization of the plant in terms of cellular constituents
  • Period: to

    Plants and Animals are made of cells

    In 1838, the botanist Matthias Jakob Schleiden suggested that
    every structural element of plants is composed of cells or their products. The following year, (1839) a similar conclusion was
    elaborated for animals by the zoologist Theodor Schwann.
  • Scientist Establish cells come from pre-existing cells

    Scientist Establish cells come from pre-existing cells
    Schleiden came up with the conclusion that first phase of the generation of cells was the formation of a nucleus of ‘‘crystallization’’ which was refuted in the 1850s by Robert Remak ,Rudolf Virchow and, Albert Kölliker who showed that cells are formed through pre-existing cells Virchow’s (every cell from a pre-existing cell) then became the basis of the theory of tissue formation
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    Deiters and Kolliker publish books on nerve cells

    Posthumously by Karl Deiters contained descriptions and drawings of nerve cells studied by using histological methods and microdissections made with thin needles under the microscope . Deiters’s nerve cells were characterized by a soma, dendrites and a nerve prolongation which showed no branching. Kölliker, in the fifth edition of his important book on histology, published in 1867, proposed that sensory and motor cells of the right and left halves of the spinal cord
  • Microscopy Improved

    Microscopy Improved
    Because of the oil immersion lens the development of the microtome technique and the use of new fixing methods and dyes greatly improved microscopy
  • Golgi Develops Black Reaction

    Golgi Develops Black Reaction
    The most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy came in when the nervous system was found to be made up of independent units.
  • Waldeyer Establishes new information about chromosomes

    Waldeyer Establishes new information about chromosomes
    Wilhelm Waldeyer, certified that each half chromosome moves to the opposite pole of the mitotic nucleus. This process was also observed in plants, providing further evidence of the deep unity of the living world