Microscope is invented
Zaccahrias Janssen and his father Hans started to put several lenses in a tube and made a very important discovery. The object near the end of the tube appeared to be bigger much larger than any simple magnifying glass could do. -
Cells are discovered
Robert Hooke discovered cells by looking at a slice of cork oak tree bark with a microscope he invented. The cells reminded him of the rooms in which monks live in. Cell is "cellula" in Latin which means "small rooms". -
Microscope improved
Anton van Lleuwenhoek made it possible to see single-called organisms with a magnification of 270x in only one lens -
It is discovered that all plants have cells
Matthias Schleiden observed plant cells and found that all plants are made of cells. This led to "the cell is the basic unit of life" in the cell theory. -
It is discovered that all animals have cells
Theodor Schwann observed animal cells and concluded that all animals are made of cells. This also led to "the cell is the basic unit of life" in the cell theory. -
It is said that all cells come from prexisting cells.
Rudolf Vichow stated that cells don't just appear. Cells come from cells that already exist. This led to the cell theroy, "all cells come from prexisting cells"