micro scope
The microscope was invented by zacharias Jansen -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
He made his own microscope and look at his own bacteria that he called animalcales -
Matthias Schleiden
He studyed all plants and studyed them so much that he learned every plant and found out that all plants are made of cells -
Theodor schwann
He was one that studied all animals -
robert hooke
He looked at corks and when he look at them he saw little rooms in them. -
three parts of the theory
1 . All organisms are composed of one or more cells
2.The cell is the basic unit of structure
3.All cells come from preexsisting cells -
two scientist that to first work on the cell theory
Matthias Schliden and theodor schwaan were the first people to work on cell theory -
opinions on the cell theory
Schleidens theory was cells came out of no where and rodolph knew that cells came from other cells