Discovered cells and introduced the word "cell" to science.
Dicovery was made by looking through a primitive compound microscope at a slice of cork that looked like a piece of honeycomb. He only saw cell walls, as this was dead tissue. He coined the term "cell" for the individual compartments he saw.
Hooke was a monk
Monks live in cells
Compartments in the cork reminded him of the cells in the monastery.
Cells were not proven to exist so there was nothing to disprove. -
Discovered animacules
1st to see living cells such as Protozoa, bacteria, blood, and sperm
viewed these things using the same idea as a magnified glass. his microscope had a similar concept
Hooke saw dead cells, whereas Leeuwenhoek saw living cells. -
All cells have a similar structure/organization
found this by comparing many specimens under the microscope
didn't disprove anything. Just expanded the knowledge of the scientific world
1st to say that the cell is the fundamental until of the organization of life. -
Studied Leeuwenhoek's model
Discovered cytoplasm and the nucleus
disproved Hooke who thought cells were hollow spheres
Found that some organisms are unicellular -
Discovered plants were make up of cells while studying different plant species under the microscope
occupation: botonist
didn't disprove anything
Expanded the cell theory by contributing the fact that all plants are made of cells -
Discovered that aminmals tissues were made up of cells
Schwann studied anatomy and physiology
Didn't disprove anything.
By combining his statement along with Sheilden's discovery, he came to the conclusion that all living things are made of cells. -
Stated that all living things come from other living things (bionary fission)
Sickness comes from malfunctioning cells
Discovered these while acquiring a medical degree and also later on while teaching as a professor in simillar classes that he took while in medschool
Disproved the theory that cells can be sick. Instead, he proved that it is in fact the organism that gets sick when cells are not functioning properly.