Zacharias Jansen's microscope
He produced the first compound microscope by combining two convex lenses within a tube.To this day we have multible types of microscopes and they can veiw things a size of an atom. -
Jan Baptist van Helmont and spontaneous generation.
He believed in spontaneous generation by saying if you put a basket of dirty clothes and have wheat and give it 21 days then you will have mice. -
Robert Hooke and the discovery of cells.
He discovered cells by viewing a slice of cork. He saw tiny pores that he thought looked like the wall compartments that a monk would live in so he called cells.The name is still here today but he didnt know what living cells were so Anton van Leeuwenhoek found that out a couple of years later by looking in lenses with pond water. -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek microscope.
He contributed lenses and made a better lense know as the first practical microscopes.It can view living and nonliving things.It also helps us today because scientist use lenses to view very tiny organisms such as single celled organisms. He was also the first person to view bacteria with his own lenses. He discoveredsingle celled organisms by looking in his lenses and looking in the pond water. -
Lorenz Oken and Evolution.
Stated that all living things are made of cells and he developed a new system of animal classification called evolution.Evolution is still here today and its a classification of an organism like Dermatozoa- invertebrates. -
Robert Brown and the discovery of the nucleus.
Discovered the nucleus in plant cells. The contribution is that the nucleus is the thing in the cell it does most of the work and he discovered it.They agread on his opinion so it is called that and he found it. -
Theodor Schwann and cell theory.
He concluded that all living things are made of cells. This is true and that is cell theory. Its been the same ever since. -
Matthias Schleiden and cell theory in plants.
He applied cell theory to plants and he also recognized the importance of the cell nucleus and sensed its connction to cell division.Scientists to this day still study the nucleus in the plant cells and in other cells too. -
Albrecht von Roelliker and the discovery of life.
He discovered the form of life the sperm and egg cell. They are also cells and they make the form of life when joined together. The sperm is from the male and the egg is from the female. -
Rudolf Virchow and cell division.
He suggested that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Thats s true because if that didnt happen and some cells die and more and more die then we wouldn,t have much left when we are old.He also stated that not all plants were made of cells but he was wrong because plants are living and need cells to survive.Which was mentioned before called cell theory. -
Louis Pasteur and the recovery of diseases.
He invented vaccinations which cured diseases. Today we still have that or people will get really sick.Scientists ,doctors,and nurses use these to cure diseases. -
Aristotlemade and organisms.
Made careful observations and discriptions of more than 500 animal speicies and set up a classification system which was supported by his observations he used runner of methods by modern scientists.