Cell Theory

  • Microscopes discovery

    Microscopes discovery
    1632-1723 when microorganisms were revealed by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek that the particles found were living organisms. Later know as cells or pores. This invention is the only reason any of this feasible.
  • Animal and plant observance

    Animal and plant observance
    1730-1858 where scientist observed the nucleus in plants and animals and made to be an essential constituent of living cells. This discovery help with later discoveries.
  • First Official Formulations

    First Official Formulations
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden said that plants is composed of cells or their products and Theodor Schwann made a similar synopsis with animal tissue. This is a core discovery in the cell theory that stands today. 1804-1882
  • Upgrades to a new discovery

    Upgrades to a new discovery
    1830 Technical improvements were made to microscopes for better observations and improvements were made to tissue preservation. This allowed the cells to be look at more thoroughly.
  • Trio formed

    Trio formed
    1815-1905 Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow, and Albert Kolliker debunked the Free cell formation theory by showing cells are formed through scission of pre-existing cells. This as will was a core base for cell theory.
  • digging deeper

    digging deeper
    1870 Microtone technique improved microscopy identifying organelles and different terms.
  • Unity

    1836- 1921 Wilhelm Waldeyer established that each half chromosome moves to the opposite pole of
    the mitotic nucleus. This process was also
    observed in plants, providing further evidence of the deep unity of the living world
  • new looks

    new looks
    (1820–1896) Kölliker’ proposed that in all of the central nervous system, nerve cells established anastomoses with each other through a network formed by the minute branching of their dendrites. According to this concept, the network or reticulum was an essential element of grey matter that provided a system for anatomical and functional communications, a protoplasmic continuum from which nerve fibers originated2
  • Neuron Theory

    Neuron Theory
    nervous tissue is softness and fragility, it was difficult to handle and susceptible to deterioration. But it was its structural complexity that prevented a simple reduction to models derived from the cell theory. Nerve-cell bodies, nervous prolongations and nervous
    fibers were observed in the first half of the
    nineteenth century.
  • last triumph

    last triumph
    spontaneous generation theory I let the silver
    nitrate react with pieces of brain hardened
    in potassium dichromate. I have obtained
    magnificent results and hope to do even
    better in the future.” This reaction provided, for the first time, a full view of a single nerve cell and its processes, which could
    be followed and analyzed even when they
    were at a great distance from the cell body. this is still being investigated