Cell Theory

  • The particles he saw under his microscope were motile and assuming that motility equates to life.

    The particles he saw under his microscope were motile and assuming that motility equates to life.
    This is very important because the microscope was a very good inventions for scientist. It helped scientist see micro molecules.
  • Micrographia

    The first important work devoted to microscopical observation, and showed what the microscope could mean for naturalist. This is important because it allowed scientist to see many more things through scopes.
  • Cells

    Cella is a Latin word meaning a small room and Latin speaking people applied the world Cellulae to the six sided cells of the honey comb. Cells are very important because they are the building blocks of all living matter.
  • Bridge between life and non life

    Bridge between life and non life
    This theory which implied a continuity between living and non living matter, natura non facit saltus, was disproved by the masterful experiments of the Italian naturalist Lazzaro Spellanzani. I chose this because scientist are able to recognize non living and living things. Also, they found out how to classify what was living and what was not living.
  • Organism

    An organism derives from other organisms and that a gap exists between inanimate matter and life. This is important because all organism come from other organisms. Scientist related organism to cells because cells come from other cells.
  • Nucleus

    The nucleus is the essential consituent of living cells. The Nucleus is important because it is where most cells reside. The nucleus is the center and is very important in life.
  • Cell Formation

    Cell Formation
    Cells are formed through scission of pre existing cells. This is important because it shows how cells form. Scientist now know that cells come from other cells.
  • Metaphase

    During Metaphase and established that each half chromosome moves to the opposite pole of the mitotic nucleus.
  • Cell Theory

    Cell Theory
    Hints at the idea that the cell is the basic component of living organisms emerged well before 1838-39. The cell Theory is very important. It brought together many scientist to work on a theory that can define cells.
  • Cells Different Tissue

    Cells Different Tissue
    In cells of different tissues and organisms hinted at the possibility that cells of similar organization might underlie all living matter. This is important because cells can be surrounded by different tissues. Not all cells surround the same tissues.