Aristotle got the idea that genes do exist and that every living thing has their own set of genes. so every living thing has a parent and a predictable offspring -
Zacharias Jansen
FIrst microscope used ideras from spontanious generation. -
Jan Baptist van helmont
first to question spontanious generation. he considered that things like sulfer, salt, mercury, were created through chemical processes rather than being preexistant -
Robert Hooke
Wrote Micrographia which studied various objects with his microscope. -
Anton van leeuwenhoek
Simple microscope with one lens to look at blood, insects, snd mainly other objects. Firsrt to describe cells and bacteria. -
Lorenz oken
Came up with a new system of animal classifycation that demonstrates evolution. -
Robert brown
The first to recognize the nucleus and the general occurence of the nucleus in cells. -
Matthais Schleiden
studied plant structure under the microscope and recognized the importance of a cell nucleus. -
Theodor Schwann
digestive enzyme -
Albrecht von Roelliker
Realized that sperm cells and egg cells are also cells. -
rudulf virchow
First to recognize leukemia cells, and he helped alot with cell theory which built on the work of Theodor Schwann -
Louis Pasteur
Discovered pasturization. Worked with gem theory which led to discover some vacimes and medicine.