CCG Pipeline Timeline

  • River Crossing Study

    River Crossing Study is performed indentifying the composition of three bore holes in the proposed area of the Rianila River HDD (HOC 8)
  • Contracts

    Parties enter into contracts
  • Meetings

    Meetings held in Toronto from 7/30 to 7/31 to clarify responsibilities of the parties
  • Geotechnical Prospective Report

    SLI issues Geotechnical Prospective Report to CCG, informing it of presence of rock at HDD 2 and HDD 3
  • Borehole Date

    SLI issues borehole date in relation to HDD 3 (HOC 3)
  • ECN 43

    SLI issues ECN 43 regarding extension of 36" HDPE pipe (HOC 15)
  • MOU 1

    New completion date set for 9/30/2009; payment made to resolve CCG's claims
  • Erosion Control

    SLI confirms that quantities of erosion control beyond those found in the bid proposal will be paid at the Contract (HOC 1.3)
  • ECN

    SLI issues ECN regarding potential change in the distribution line (HOC 13)
  • Period: to

    TMF Road Restrictions

    Restrictions in place on access to TMFroad from June through September (HOC 7)
  • MOU 2

    Contract converted to lumpsum; all claims released; time for completion revised to 12/31/209;established requirement of tranche payments if CC and MC reached by 12/31/2009 and 3/31/2010 (HOC 4)
  • Employee Fatality

    Employee fatalityt occurs on Tailings Road (HOC 5)
  • Beginning of Work Suspension

    SLI suspends work due to 7/2/2009 fatality (on all locations other than Tailings Road, suspension ends 7/9/2009) (HOC 5)
  • End of Work Suspension

    SLI suspends work due to 7/2/2009 fatality (on all locations other than Tailings Road, suspension ends 7/9/2009) (HOC 5)
  • Back Charges

    SLI expresses intent to apply back charges incurred prior to signing of MOU 2 (HOC 2)
  • Sahtandra River Crossing

    SLI issues drawing confirming that Shatandra River crossing is to be performed by open-cut method (HOC 14)
  • Violation of MOU 2

    CCG informs SLI that it views the incorporation of pre-MOU 2 backcharges to be a violation of MOU 2 (HOC 2)
  • Vakona Road Work

    CCG performs work on Vakona Road (HOC 16)
  • Floating Bridge Inaccesible

    Floating bridge at AR10 inaccessible due to rain (HOC 10)
  • Vakona Road Request

    CCG revieves verbal request to return Vakona Road to equal or better condition than when work started (HOC 16)
  • Work Suspension (8/8-8/13)

    SLI suspends work due to lack of ambulance coverage (HOC 5)
  • Locals Prevent Access (8/12-8/13)

    Access prevented by locals at AR2 (HOC 12)
  • Hard Rock Encounter

    CCG advises SLI that unexpected hard rock has been encountered at HDD 3 (HOC 3)
  • Distribution Line Change

    SLI issues formal instruction regarding change to the distribution line (HOC 13)
  • Locals Prevent Access (9/26-9/30)

    Access prevented by locals at AR7 (HOC 12)
  • Period: to

    14 km of reinstatement

    CCG performs 14 km of reinstatement (KP 0-12, 16-18) purusant to October 2009 design drawings, which must subsequently be re-worked following 12/15/2009 design changes
  • Floating Bridge Inaccesible (10/24-10/27)

    Floating bridge at AR10 inaccessible due to rain (HOC 10)
  • Distribution line and MOU 2

    SLIinforms CCG that costs associated with changes to the distribution line were included within the MOU 2 lump sum price
  • FLoating Bridge Inaccessible (11/21-11/24)

    Floating Bridge at AR10 inaccessible due to rain (HOC 10)
  • Re-Vegitation measure

    SLI instructs CCG to plant vetiver grass as permanent re-vegetation measure on ROW slopes (HOC 1.1)
  • Floating Bridge Inaccessible (11/26-11/29)

    Floating bridge at AR10 inaccessible due to rain (HOC 10)
  • Re-Design

    SLI provides design showing significant re-profiling of the ROW (HOC 1.2)
  • Hydrotesting failure

    Hydrotesting failure occurs along Section 8 of the slurry pipeline (KP 82-KP94) (HOC 11)
  • Delay (12/21-12/31)

    Delays occur from AR7-AR9 due to hydrotesting failure
  • Open-Cut Method Delay

    CCG informs SLI that SLI's choice of open-cut method for the Sahatandra River crossing has resulted in delay (HOC 14)
  • Re-Vegitation Change Order

    CCG requests change order relating to re-vegitation of ROW (HOC 1.1)
  • Erosion Change Order

    CCG suffers damage and delay due to exceptionally adverse weather (HOC 1.3)
  • Weather Delay

    CCG suffers damage and delay due to exceptionally adverse weather (HOC 9)
  • Floating Bridge Inaccesible (1/8-1/25)

    Floating bridge at AR10 inaccessible due to rain (HOC 10)
  • Locals Prevent Access

    Access prevented by locals at KP77 (HOC 12)
  • Period: to

    Unforeseeable Rock Conditions

    Unforeseeable rock conditions encountered at KP 43 (HOC 6)
  • Weather Delay

    CCG suffers damage and delay due to exceptionally adverse weather (HOC 9)
  • Seeding Trial

    CCG performs seeding trial at KP 2+500
  • Locals Prevent Access (3/1-3/9)

    Access prevented by locals at KP77 (HOC 12)
  • Period: to

    Manual Seeding (Early March-Mid April)

    CCG perfroms manual seeding between the mine and AR2 (HOC 1.1)
  • Reinstatement/Re-Vegitation and MOU 2

    CCG states belief that costs of reinstatement and re-vegetation were not included within MOU 2 lump sum price (HOC 1.1;1.2)
  • Locals Prevent Access

    Access prevented by locals at KP 85-KP 91 (HOC 12)
  • Unforeseeable condtions

    Unforeseeable physical conditions first encountered at Rianila River crossing (HOC 8)
  • Locals Prevent Access (3/17-3/18)

    Access prevented by locals at KP118 (HOC 12)
  • Seeding Disapproval

    SLI expresses dispproval of CCG's manual seeding and informs CCG it has contracted a hydroseeder (HOC 1.1)
  • Re-Profiling Change Order

    CCG requests change order relating to re-profiling of ROW (HOC 1.2)
  • CCG Asserts Entitlement to Tranche Payments

    CCG asserts it is entitled to both tranch payments, as delays were beyond its control (HOC 4)
  • Locals Prevent Access (5/13-5/15)

    Access prevented by locals at KP105 (HOC 12)
  • Locals Prevent Acess (5/23-5/25)

    Access prevented by locals at KP 105 (HOC 12)
  • Period: to

    Unforeseeable Rock Conditions

    Unforeseeale rock conditions encountered at KP 77 (HOC 6)
  • Period: to

    Unforeseeable Rock Conditions

    Unforeseeable rock conditions encountered at KP 104 (HOC 6)
  • SLI Denies Tranche Payments

    HOC 4
  • Seeding Dispute

    CCG informs SLI that hydroseeding was performed at KP 7-10 only two days after manual seeding was performed, and thus CCG should not be liable for a backcharge for this hydroseeding (HOC 1.1)
  • Hydrotesting Failure

    Hydrotesting failure occurs along Section 5 (KP 44-KP-52) of the Slurry pipeline
  • Hydrotesting Failure Delay (7/4-7/17)

    Delays occur from KP 44-KP 52 due to hydrotesting failure (HOC 11)
  • Locals Prevent Access (7/21-7/22)

    Access prevented by locals at AR9 (HOC 12)
  • Seeding Dispute

    SLI informs CCG that its previous failed attempts at manual seeding are negaively affecting hydroseeding, such as at KP 9-10 (HOC 1.1)
  • Rianila River complete

    ESSAR informs CCG that Rianila River works are complete (HOC 8)
  • Period: to

    Locals Prevent Access

    Access prevented by locals at SLI Site Plant (HOC 12)
  • CCG Will Not Complete Construction by Set Date

    CCG informs SLI that it will not achieve construction completion by date required for tranche payment (12/31), but asserts the reasons were beyond its control (HOC 4)