Cave art-1950's

  • 30,000 BCE

    Altamira Cave Painting

    Altamira Cave Painting
    This painting was discovered by Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola in Northern Spain and this is the oldest known cave painting known to date.
  • Period: 30,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age Art)

    Paleolithic art consisted of images of hunting, animal carvings, or fertility. This art proved that there was a huge jump in ancient human cognition, as they were trying to gain a sense of understanding of their environment
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 5000 BCE

    Mesolithic ( Middle Stone Age) Era

    Pottery was beginning to be produced at this time as were rock paintings, which were highly stylized and contained pictographs which may have been an early for of hieroglyphics as said by some historians.
  • 7000 BCE

    Mesolithic Rock art

    Mesolithic Rock art
    An engraving of an antelope circa 7,000 BC
  • Period: 5000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Neolithic (New Stone Age) Art

    During this time period, humans were settling down into small civilizations. Allowing for the discovery of key components of civilization such as religion, measurement, architecture, writing, and art.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 30 BCE

    Egyptian Art

    An artistic time period of the ancient Egyptians.They believed strongly in the afterlife and that was reflected through their unique style of artwork.
  • 3200 BCE


    The oldest known Hieroglyphics, an Egyptian form of writing, was found in a pre-dynastic tomb in Abydos, Egypt
  • 3000 BCE

    Magura Cave Painting

    Magura Cave Painting
    This Cave in Bulgaria has over 700 paintings on it's walls. The paintings are made out of bat excrement and depict hunters and dancers
  • 2630 BCE

    The Great Pyramids

    The Great Pyramids
    These structures are both archaeological and artistic phenomenons. These structures were used to honor the Egyptian God's and held the bodies of Pharaohs.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 31 BCE

    Greek Art

    Ancient Greek art emphasized the importance of humans, especially the male figure, and was used to honor the Gods, who were often depicted in human form.
  • 480 BCE

    Pottery Painting

    Pottery Painting
    A picture of a typical Greek red styled painted pottery (one of three styles, red, black, white).
  • 447 BCE


    This was an archaeological masterpiece that inspired many other styles of future buildings of future civilizations (ex.government buildings and monuments located in Washington D.C.
  • 359 BCE

    Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

    Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
    This is an image of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, located in the Museo Petriano, St. Peter's, Vatican City. This is a great highlight of early Christian Art based on the content of the art and the realistic and advanced detail of the sculptures.
  • Period: 200 to 1400

    Early Christian and Medieval Art

    A period of time where Christianity was spreading across the world, especially across Europe. During this time period, artists depicted many themes of Christianity. Medieval times and Early Christian art go hand and hand, as Christianity was central to Medieval culture.
  • 1295

    Medieval Beast Art

    Medieval Beast Art
    Paintings of mythological beasts and animals were quite popular among Medieval times and often went hand and hand with Christian Art. This is an image of The Beast of the Sea Encounters the Dragon, from the Burckhardt-Wildt Apocalypse.
  • Period: 1400 to 1530

    The Renissance

    A "rebirth of Europe" following the Dark Ages and Medieval period. This was a period of artistic, economic, and personal growth for Europe.
  • Period: 1490 to 1530

    The High Renissance

    Defined as heroic centralized composition, technical mastery of drawing and conception, technical mastery of drawing and composition, and mature humanistic content
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    This iconic painting was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. This was one of the first unique portraits to be made, as it was a portrait of an unknown person and uses muted colors.
  • 1504

    Sculpture of David

    Sculpture of David
    Sculpture of David (from biblical story David and Goliath) by Michelangelo. This was an extremely advanced sculpture and really showed the exact details of the male physique.
  • 1512

    Sistene Chapel

    Sistene Chapel
    Painted by Michelangelo, one of the greatest artistic achievements of all time due to extreme detail and the height of the artwork. It took Michelangelo 4 years to complete the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Art

    Baroque style is very dramatic and was intended to appeal to all sorts of emotions. Baroque pieces were often very exaggerated and unrealistic depictions of events.
  • Romanticism

    This painting, The Garden of Love, by Peter Paul Rubens, shows a very dramatic and seemingly unrealistic scene, as it contains fictional and exaggerated characters such as cupids.The style of art was called Romanticism
  • Period: to


    An artistic attempt to represent a subject naturally without any artificial elements or using techniques to alter the "artistic truth"
  • Fist Photograph Ever Taken

    Fist Photograph Ever Taken
    This was the first photograph ever taken, by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce by using a technique called heliography. This was the beginning of a revolutionary movement called Photography.
  • Period: to


    A style of art in which an artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it as if they just caught a "glimpse" of it. Impressionism was said to appear as "unfinished looking" due to its lack of fine detail and use of vibrant colors.
  • Jean Francios Millet

    Jean Francios Millet
    Jean Francis Millet was one of many great Realism painters. He captured the true detail of three women working out in a field. This painting, The Gleaners, is so captivating not only because of it's detail, but because it is a reflection of the sign of the times, that women lacked identity and were meant to serve.
  • Period: to

    Modern Art and Photography

    Modern art is art that is forever changing and usually goes against "traditions of the past." The art of Photography also came to be during this time period. Photography allowed a new form of creative expression and changed the world forever.
  • Monet

    Artist Claude Monet was one of the most iconic impressionist painters of all time. His once underappreciated work is now worth millions of dollars. Here is an example of one of his most famous pieces, Impressionism, Sunrise.
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    Lange captured a woman named Florence Owens Thompson, an impoverished woman during the Dust Bowl. She named this piece "Migrant Woman". This image gave awareness as to how the other half lived in America during this time period.