Causes of the Texas Revolution

  • Mexican Constitution

    Mexican Constitution
    Mexico created a constitution all most exactly like the united states constitution. The only difference was that there was no freedom of religon, no rights of the states, and no voting preleges for the setters.
  • Fredonian Rebellion

    Fredonian Rebellion
    This rebellion was about the dispute between Edwards brothers, and Mexico. Haden Edwards unfairly sold land causing Mexico to remove his empresario contract. This made Haden mad and declared the Republic of Fredonia. Then Mexico attacked the Republic thus starting the settlers and mexican relationship to fall.
  • Mier y Teran report

    Mier y Teran report
    Mier y Teran was a president in 1827.He led a scientific and boundary expidition in Texas.His job was to observe and explore natural resources.
  • Guerrero Decree

    Guerrero Decree
    Guerrero Decree was a very important law. The law stated that slavery was banned .It reached Texas on October 16,but the chief withheld it because it violated the colonization law. This law made texans began to lose trust.
  • Law of April 6,1830

    Law of April 6,1830
    This Law was made to stop all of the United States immigration to Texas. The law forbid slaves and suspending empresario contracts. The law disturbed texan settlers and caused a protest. This caused a lot of problems which led to the revolution
  • Conflict at Anahuac

    Conflict at Anahuac
    Col. Juan Davis Bradburn was in charge preventing the entrance of United States immigrants. This caused problems and settlers William Travis and Patrick Jack were arrested. Mad anglo settlers began a rally and took Bradburn's army hostage. After a while Bradburn eventually released the anglo prisoners.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions
    Settlers began to oppose Mexican rule. Rebels began to plan an attack and compose the Turtle Bayou Resolutions. The resolutions stopped the violations of the constitutions but still left settlers uneasy.
  • Battle of Velasco

    Battle of Velasco
    This battle was the first blood shed from the texans and mexicans. The settlers fought at fort Velasco and had had 100-150 soldiers. Mexico had 91 to 200 troops and during the battle 12 where killed and 30 where wounded. Eventually Mexico surrendered ending the first blood battle.
  • Convention of 1832

    Convention of 1832
    In this convention Austin was elected president and many more things were changed. For example the Law of April 6, 1830 was modified and it was requested that Texas would be separate from Coahuila. All of this would have to be presented to the Mexican government.
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    This convention was on the day that Santa Anna took over Mexico. This worried many settlers and they did many things about it. They petitioned anti-immigration they also asked for adequate indian defense, better mail service, sought tariff exemption, and more. The settlers also went over some stuff talked about in the previous convention.
  • SFA goes to Mexico City

    SFA goes to Mexico City
    Stephen F Austin went to Mexico to deliver petitions and argue for approval. SFA tried his best but Santa Anna would not agree. Suspicion grew and Stephen F Austin was arrested and not released until December 1834. This greatly angered many anglo settlers.
  • The Consultation

    The Consultation
    This was a debate on the relations with Mexico. Eventually an army was devised led by Sam Houston. The Revolution was about to began.