Causes of the Revolutionary War

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  • The Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation limited the amount of land settled in the new world. This angered colonist who wanted to expand into indian territory.
  • The Stamp act

    The stamp act put taxes on many paper goods, angering the colonists.
  • Townshend act

    The townsend act piled more taxes on the colonists to help with the expenses of the French and Indian war.
  • The Boston massacre

    Colonists are killed by british soldiers in a protest.
  • Boston tea party

    Colonists dressed as indians threw crates of taxed British tea into Boston harbor.
  • The intolerable acts

    The intolerable acts banned colonists from meeting, and added even more taxes.
  • The battles of Lexington and Concord

    The colonists have had enough, and the war is officially started.
  • The Quartering act

    The Qaurtering act forced colonists to allow british soldiers to stay in their homes.
  • Declaration of rights

    This statement was an act of defiance towards Great Britan, and opened the eyes of any colonist unaware of the conflict.
  • The forming of the Continental Congress

    The continental congress formed a voice of the angered colonies.