Missouri Compromise
In 1820, Congress passed a law that entered Missouri into the union as the first slave state in the west. This caused argument within Congress because some believed it would ruin the balance that was so carefully maintained in the county. The north was especially upset because the Missouri Compromise was made to have a balance between slave and non- slave states. So by adding slavery to Missouri, it was ruining the balance. They made Maine a non- slave state to maintain that balance. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was made to end slavery because of the Mexican War. Though the bill was passed many times in the House of Representatives, it failed to pass the senate due to the southerners that were against it. Although it inevitably failed, the Wilmot Proviso brought in more people against the idea of slavery. In 1854, a new political party was formed, the republicans, who were against slavery and were up to stop it. with this, the division in the country grew, causing a civil war. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was made to resolve the disputes over slavery. It allowed Utah and New Mexico to decide if they wanted slavery or not, made California a free state, added a new border between Texas and New Mexico, and with the Fugitive slave act of 1850, it was easier for slave owners to capture runaway slaves. Henry Clay and Stephan Douglas came up with the idea. This contributed to the War because there was still resentment over the compromise. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave act allowed the slave owners to capture and return their runaway slaves as long as they're found in the United States. The first act of 1793 allowed people to return slaves to their owners, and punish them and anyone that helped them. Because so many people were against it, congress made a new act of 1850. This act allowed owners to have harsher punishment on slaves and anyone who interfered. But because of the widespread resistance to the act, it was repealed on June 28 1864. -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom was a slave that was being transferred to auction in New Orleans, where he saved a girl named Eva, a white girl whose father is a slave owner. Eva's father then bought Tom out of gratitude. But Eva was growing weak and frail, and her dying wish was for her father to free all his slaves. He made plans to do that, but before he could, Simon Legree murdered him and took on tom as his slave. Uncle tom was whipped to death because he refused to tell where certain runaway slaves were. -
Kansas Nebraska Act/ Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott Case
The case was a long fight for liberty by a slave named Dred Scott. after years of fighting in multiple courts, the case was sent to the Supreme Court, where they ruled that African Americans weren't American citizens, and that they didn't have the right to sue in federal court. This decision infuriated many people that were against slavery because it wasn't fair. This case also led to the Civil War because more people became anti-slavery. -
Lincoln Douglas Debate
John Brown’s Raid
On October 16, 1859, John Brown led 18 men to raid a federal army to start an armed slave revolt. He stole ammunition and weapon supplies and move towards the Appellation mountains, attracting and arming slaves in the process. Even with all the supplies, his plan was doomed, for he had no escape route and no rations. Even though John's plan ended up failing 36 hours after it started, it caused a deeper divide between the north and south and ignited a Civil War. -
Lincoln’s Election of 1860
Southern Secession
Eleven states broke off from the union on June 8, 1921.