Missouri Compromise
This compromise was created for the balance of the South and North states. However this compromise was broken for the new territory gained in the Mexican-American War, so now the states don't have a balance for the North states and South states. -
Wilmot Proviso
David Wilmot propose to ban all the slavery in the Mexican Cession territories. This act pass the House but not of the Senate. -
Compromise of 1850
California want's to enter as a free state-this would upset the balance of power between free and slave states. But now the south want slave trade abolished but the south want to return the fugitives slaves so a senator called Henry Clay made this compromise to solve the dispute. -
Fugitive Slave Act
This act allowed officials to arrest anyone accused to being a runaway slave. That cause the Northerners get mad, also the the fugitive slave act was the most controversial part of the compromise of 1850. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncles Tom's Cabin are a novel writing by a woman call Harriet Beecher Stowe she write this because she saw how the slaves try to escape from the North so she decide to write this novel but the south understand another thing, they though that book was propaganda, also Lincoln say "So you're the lady that started this whole war". -
Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
This act allow people in the territories to decide slavery issue by popular sovereignty. The southerners support the act, they hoped the new territories would become slave states. The northerners were outraged, they felt Douglas had betrayed them into allowing more slave states. -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was a slave he want the freedom he lived with his owner in two places when the slavery was illegal. He argued he was a free man o he case go to the senate then senator Roger B. Taney say "he can't be free because if you live in a free state that don't make you free" the people of the north and the south they were surprised for that decision. -
Lincoln Douglas Debate
In 1858 Lincoln and Douglas start to talk to the people about the future of America in the slavery the Douglas view was Individual states should decide whether or not continue in the slavery, also he say Lincoln wants equality for African Americans. Lincoln view was different, he say slavery is wrong, also African Americans are entitled to the rights of life, liberty, and the happiness. -
John Brown’s Raid
In 1859 John Brown rise a group of followers to help him free slaves in the south, so he attacked the town Harper's Ferry they took guns and the try to start a revolt but Brown was captured by Colonel Robert T. Lee he was send to the senate where he die. -
Lincoln Election of 1860
In 1860 the election for the new president began it was four candidates Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge and John Bell i this election Lincoln won almost all the free states, Douglas just one state, Breckenridge almost all the southern states and Bell just three states so Lincoln won the election. -
Southern Cession
When Lincoln was elected south was angry because the new president don't want more slave so the south separate from the union and they formed the Confederates States of America then they attack the Fort Sumter then the Civil War began.