Causes of the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    It involved the Northern and southern states. It took place because they had to decide whether Missouri would be a slave state or a free state. What happens was Missouri became a slave state and Maine became free state. It set up more compromises in the future that fixed the bad parts of this compromise. It took place in the whole U.S.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    The North pushed the recognition that slavery was banned in the northern states, the House of Representatives were with the North. Southerners forced politicians to defend their stand on slavery but the House of Representatives were not with them.
  • Compromise of 1850

    It was Henry Clay's idea to make this compromise. It took place because the south no longer thought the 36th parallel was a fair line for dividing slavery. California was made a free state and Texas had to give up some land. Also most of the western states were given the decision whether they wanted slavery or not. It made it harder for states to pick sides in the civil war. This took place over the whole U.S.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    It made it so slaves that are caught in the north could be sent back down to the south. Also all people caught helping them could be arrested or killed. It took place because southern slave owners thought they were being cheated by the slave being free in the north. This made it so more run away slaves were caught. This took place in the whole U.S.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    It was a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was about how slaves are treated in the south. It showed the abuse that all of the slaves had to do through every day. It was one of the things that helped the abolitionist movement a lot. It took place in the north
  • Kansas Nebraska acts/ Bleeding Kansas

    It was voted that Kansas would have a popular vote for whether they would have slavery or not. So the states sent people to try and get a higher vote. Then people from the south started attacking people and trying to make them go back to there original home. It was one of the events that set up the civil war.
  • Creation of the Republican party

    The Republican party was created on anti-slavery in the North. They hated the democrats in the south and thought that Andrew Jackson was a tyrant. There first presidential candidate was John C. Fremont. Today the Republican party is one of the two largest parties in the U.S. This took place in the north.
  • Sumner Caning

    Charles Sumner humiliates the South and he crossed the line so the southerners got mad and Andrew Butler beat the crap out of Charles and he was left really injured but Butler is seen as a hero.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott was a slave that sue his owner for his rights so they went to the Supreme Court and since they were okay with slaves the Supreme Court said that slaves were property and that they didn't have rights. People started to get mad and slaves were scared because Supreme Court was not going to do anything about slave's rights.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    Lincoln was slave free so the Southerners were really mad but he was a "super hero" Lincoln with his speeches but Douglas wins because South doesn't want as a president.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Is Harper a hero or a Martyr, John Brown and his group capture weapons in Virginia. Southerners think that he is a terrorist and they don't like that, he died and his family.
  • Lincoln Election of 1860

  • Southern secession