Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise began. This North and the South were involved in this event along with Henry Clay. The North and the South were deciding if they wanted slaves to have freedom. This took place in Missouri and some in congress. It was in congress so slavery could be resolved. Territories decided got to decide if they were pro-slavery or not. Missouri and was not a free state. Main was a free state. This event was an big impact in history because it caused the Mexican-American war. -
Wilmot Proviso
On August 8th, 1846 the Wilmot Proviso took place. David Wilmot was involved in this and the event took place in Pennsylvania. They wanted slavery banned so it was taken to Congress but things didn't go well. Slavery was not banned. A discussion took place in Congress to ban slavery and David had written the Proviso. The Proviso impacted history because it was a major event causing the Mexian-American war and leading up to the Civil War. -
Compromise of 1850
In 1850 a series of laws were made. This event involves Henry Clay. The 5 laws made were California as a free state, The people of the territories in New Mexico and Utah would decide slavery by popular sovereignty, the slave trade but not slavery would be ending in Washington D.C., congress would pass a strict new fugitive slave law, and that Texas would give up its claims to New Mexico in return for $10 million. This happened so slavery could be solved in the U.S. All attempts failed. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act occurred on September 18, 1850. This event was passed by Congress. The North disliked the act and resisted. They were convinced that slavery was evil. Slaves wanted freedom which resulted in this getting passed by Congress. Some slaves were able to be made free by Congress but, there was no African American that was safe anymore. This event impacted history because it was passed by the Southerners and Congress. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A book called Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe in Ontario. Harriet Beecher Stowe tells a story about an enslaved man who is abused by his cruel owner. The book exposed the horrific reality of the lives of slaves. This book was made so the world could be informed of how slaves were treated. The book was one of the main causes leading up to the Civil War. This caused many people to be against slavery after learning the truth behind it. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
In 1854, people traveled to Kansas to debate pro-slavery and anti-slavery. Pro-slavery won. The senator, Stephen Douglas, helped pass the Kansas Nebraska Act. The act divided the North and South. The North felt unhappy and betrayed by Douglas. The South supported the act and hoped for new slave states to be made in territories. Violence broke out in the United States. Southerners refused to admit the territories because they were above the Missouri Compromise line. -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was a slaved who moved to the free state of Missouri with his owners in 1857. He sued for his freedom when he came into Missouri. He believed that he should be a free man due to the fact that it was a free state. Freedom of slavery was debated and whether a slave should be considered property or not in free states. Congress decided that Scott would remain a slave. He was unable to sue because he was not considered an U.S. citizen. -
Lincoln Douglas Debate
A debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in 1858 that took place in Illinois. The two debated slavery. Douglas argued that slaves should never be free or considered U.S. citizens. Lincoln wanted equality, thinking that blacks and whites should be equal. Lincoln believed that slavery was wrong and should not be spread around the U.S. The election resulted in Douglas winning and it impacted history because slaves could not be a citizen or have freedom. -
John Brown's Raid
John Brown was religious and very against slavery. Brown raised an group of people to help him free slaves in the South in 1859. This event took place in court. Brown said that the bible instructed him to care for the poor and enslaved. John Brown was found guilty of treason and murder and was then hung. His death was mourned by the North. The South saw it as proof that the North was attempting to destroy their way of life. -
Lincoln's Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln was elected for president with Douglas, Bell, and Beckinridge in 1860. They all ran for president in Virginia. Everyone except Lincoln running for president supported slavery. Lincoln won every free state, Beckinridge won most slave states, Douglas won Missouri, and Bell won in the three upper southern states. Abraham Lincoln (Republican Party) had won the election. He made changes and those changes were not liked by all. -
Southern Secession
After Abraham Lincoln won the election, South Carolina seceded from the U.S. in 1861. South Carolina was the first state to secede. The other six states seceded over slavery because Lincoln was against slavery. The states that seceded included Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas. South Carolina attempted to attack Fort Sumter. Six other states joined South Carolina.