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Causes of Civil War Cites For Pictures
Missori Compromise of 1820
Who: Henry Clay
Where: Missouri
When: 1820
What: The nation argued over admitting Missouri as a free state or a slave state.
Why: The states were worried free states could form a majority in congress and ban slavery.
Other Details: Missouri was admitted as a slavve state and Maine
was a free state -
Wilmot Proviso
Who: David Wilmot
When: 1846
Where: Pennsylvania
What: A bill made to eliminate slavery
Why: To outlaw slavery in any territory the U.S. might Acquire from
the war with Mexico
Why: -
Fugitive Slave Act
Who: Slaves, Slaveholders, and Federal Commisioners
When: 1850
Where: North
What: A law to help slavehholders recaptue slaves that ranaway
Why: The Slaves were the slaveholders property http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Fugitive-Slave-Act-Newspaper-headline.jpg -
Compromise of 1850
Who: Henry Clay
WHere: California
When: 1850
What: California could not gain state hood without the approval of congress.
Why: His plan was to first please the north by making California a free state and the slave state would be abolished in D.C. and second to please the south by congress not to pass laws regarding slavery and congress would pass laws to help slave holders recapture slaves. http://www.ushistory.org/us/images/00080486.gif -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Who: Senator Stephen A Douglas
When: 1854
Where: Nebrasksa and Kansas
What: A bill/ Act that allowed settlers to decide if a state should be pro slave or anti slave.
Why: The bill was to organize territorial governtments for the Nebraska and Kansas territory
Other Details: One of the most important events that led to the civil War -
Bleeding Kansas
Who: ProSlaves and AntiSlaves
When: 1854
Where: Kansas And Missouri
What: AntiSlavery settlers boycotted the official government and started their own government
Why: There were more pro slavery settlers than anti slavery settlers in the territory -
Dred Scott vs. Sanford
Who: Dred Scott and Roger B. tanes
When: 1857
Where: Missouri
What:Dred Scotts owner took him to live in territories where slavery was illegal
Why:After his owner died Scott sued for his freedom since his slaveholder was dead
Other DEtails: Dred Scott was kept a slave -
Lincoln- Douglas Debate
Who: Stephen A. Douglas
When: 1858
Where: Midwest Area
What: Illinois republicans nominated Abraham to challenge Douglas for his U.S. senate seat
Why: They were fighting against each other for the postition of senate http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Fugitive-Slave-Act-Newspaper-headline.jpg -
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Dred Scott:http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/images/dred.jpg
Bleeding Kansas: