Causes of the American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    Washington is given a tax and tells the French they need to leave the colonies. The French and British were fighting over the same land that they both claimed to be theirs.
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    American Revolution

  • The Albany Congress

  • Lexington Concord

  • End of the French and Indian War

  • End of the French and Indian War

    The final Colonial war was the French & Indian War.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    1 May 1763 - 25 Jul 1776 Pontiac's Rebellion was a war by the Indians of the Great Lakes region which was against British. The Indian's felt that the British were getting prepared for a war against them.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The end of the French and Indian war caused a great celebration for the colonies. The Proclamation established four new colonies.
  • Sugar Act

    Tax on sugar. This act and the Currency lead up to the Stamp Act.
    Colonial merchants were required to pay a tax of six pennies per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses. This hurt the British West Indies. The Sugar Act reduced the rate of taxing on molasses from six pennies to three pennies per gallon.
  • Cuurency Act

    The colonies suffered a constant shortage of currency. There were no gold or silver mines. Currency could only be obtained through a trade regulated by Great Britain.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act requires colonists to pay a tax in the form of a stamp. The colonists thought that it was wrong for them to have to be paying for somehing that they had been doing for free for many years. If they are going to be taxed they want to be represented. Their is violence that happens due to the Stamp Act that shows that the colonists think that it is wrong. Their were boycotts, that affected the British merchants. When the Stamp Act is appealed the colonists are glad.
  • Patrick Henry's Speech

    "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
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    The Colonists protesting: The Stamp Act Congress

  • Declartory Act

    The Declatory act is an act for better securing of the dependency of his Majesty's dominions in America on the crown and parliament of Great Britain.
  • Townshend Acts

    Taxing on in-demand imports.
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    Taxes put on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper and tea were applied with the design of raising $40,000 a year earned for the colonie's administration. An act for granting certain tasks in the British colonies and the plantations of America.
  • Boston Non-Importation Agreement

  • Boston Non-Importation Agreement

    The Boston Non-Importation Agreement was organized by Sons of Liberty and Whig merchants.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Bsoton Massacre was a street fight between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British Soldiers. Several colonists were killed which led to a campaign by speech-writers.
  • The Gaspee Affair

  • The Tea Act

  • Boston Port Act, one of the “Intolerable Acts”

  • Massachusetts Government Act, one of the “Intolerable Acts”

  • Quartering Act of 1774, one of the “Intolerable Acts"

  • Quebec Act, one of the “Intolerable Acts”

  • The First Continental Congress meet in Philadelphia and issues Declaration and Resolves.

    (From September 5, 1774 - October 26. 1774)
  • Battle Point Pleasant

    Virginia decided on whether it was a battle of the American Revolution or the climate of Lord Dunmore's War.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord, lead up to the conflicts of the Revolutionary War. Parilament had drafted an act called the Conciliatory Propostion