Causes of the American Revolution

By wellsg
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was apart of a larger global conflict called the Seven Years War. The French and British had the most territorial disputes within North America during this war. Both countries wanted access to the profitable fur trade business and the cheap fertile land west of the Appalachian Mountains. Although the British lost majority of the initial battles they ultimately won the war. The war caused relations to worsen between the British and the Colonists.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies.
  • sons of liberty

    sons of liberty
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies.
  • Town shed act

    Town shed act
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies.
  • Boston massicer

    Boston massicer
    Bostin massicer was not a massicer
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Description:This new tax law was not designed to raise taxes in the colonies. The tea act was created to help the East india company . But it was a monopoly because they keep getting money . But the people cep getting additional taxes from the East india company . So the people protested .
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston tea party was caused by taxes going up on the tea.When they got the tea they lifted the tea to rot.Then the Boston harbor got closed then the people did not have a job. Then when they came back people dressed up like natives And throw the tea overboard.
  • Coercive acts

    Coercive acts
    The Boston Harbor Got closed because they did not want the british to get in but doing that the store gets closed so they do not have jobs so they have less money.The colonist were protesting the british because the british were abusing them and getting away with it . The British made the Quartering Act to make the colonist to bring them in to the homes to feed them and for them to have a place to sleep. Then the town meetings shut down because of the governor
  • The First Continental Congres

    The First Continental Congres
    There was 12 out of 13 representatives from each colones . Some people are John Adams,Samuel Adams,George Washington, And many more.They all meet at Carpender Hall in Philadelphia PA. The days that they meet was Sep 5 - Oct 26 1774. The meetings were held to discuss about the current crisis to express the outrage. The first Continental Congress did not have no representation but they are still loyal to the king. But they won't stop until the intolerable act is no more.
  • Battles of Lexington and concord

    Battles of Lexington and concord
    In April 19th,1775 900 redcoat troops are heading to Concord to arrest the rebel leaders and seas the weapons. When Paul Revere sean them coming so he alerted the people were coming. But when they lined up against the british in Lexington they only had 60 militia men there at the time.The militia captain, Captain Parker, instructed his men was not to fire until they do. But the first shot went off they did not no how shot the first shot so they named it the shot heard around the world .