French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was Britain and French and indians against each other fighting. The reason for this war was because they both wanted the Ohio River valley because it was important for fur trading, The role for the colonists in this war was them fighting for England. Britain won and the outcome of this war for the colonists was them getting bankrupt. -
Sugar and Stamps Act
The Sugar and Stamps acts were duties or taxes on molasses and sugar imported by colonist. It was the first law. The reason for these acts were to help pay for the army. The patriots responded by boycotting English products. The loyalist would have seen if anyone was smuggling anything in response to these acts. Britain's response to the colonists were maintaining several regiments of British soldiers. -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts was someone placing duties on glass, led, paint, paper, and tea. The reason for these acts was because they needed money and that money was used to pay for military cost and salaries for governors. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party were a group of tea smugglers that wasted a lot of tea because they didn't like how britain raised the tax on tea. The patriots were either watching the tea be dumped or helping them dump the tea. The loyalists would've tried stopping them drop wasting all of the tea. Guess what Britain did un response to this event? They made the intorable acts. -
The Intolerable Act
The Interable Act was something England did to make massechusetts mad. England threw all of their privlages away. The reason for this act was because of all of the tea that was dumped into the water and that got Britain mad. The patriots tried helping out massechusetts. The loyalists would've thought it was fair because they did something that wasn't right and now they are getting what they deserve. -
First Continental Congress
All the colonies came together in one big meeting and tried to get massechusetts out of trouble. The cause for this was when the rest of the colonies felt back for their punishment so they tried helping them out and making a plan to fight back Britain. The patriots were mad and upset and tried sticking up for that one colony. The loyalists would tried to rebel from England. Britain laughed and acted like they were much better and did more stuff to make the other colonies mad. -
Boston Massacre
Britain started doing tax and people got mad because they didn't want to pay more for their stuff. It was the British troops against the loyalists. The reason for this event was because people didn't want to pay tax and they got mad. British were gaurding and the patriots harrassed the soldiers. The loyalists would've tried making everyone calm down. Britain shot the crowd. A picture made it look like it was all britains fault so that is why everyone thinks that.