Causes Of The American Revolution

  • The British pass The Stamp Act

    The new tax was forced on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on all printed paper they used. It was created to help pay the costs of defending the frontier.
  • The British pass the Tea Act

    The British East India Company applied new taxes on tea for the American colonists.
  • The British pass The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were created to punish the colonists for the boston tea party. It then angered the colonists by:
    - Closing the Port of Boton till the wasted tea was paid for.
    - Not punishing British soldiers for crime they were committing in the colonies.
    - Restricting town meetings
    - Extending Canadian borders leading to the land loss of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia
    - The colonist were required to house and feed the British soldiers
    This causes a rebellion within the colonies.
  • The Declaration of Independence