The French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was the French fighting the Indians. They were fighting over the Ohio Valley. The cause/reason for this war was that they both wanted to take control of the Ohio Valley. The colonists role in this war was that they were fighting for England. England wins this war and the colonists become bankrupt. -
The Sugar and Stamp Acts
The Sugar Acts are the first law that was designed to make money. The Stamp Acts are offering suggestions to Britain for taxation. The cause/reason for these acts are so the Parliament could make money. The patriots responded by threatening them so that they could quit their jobs. The loyalist could have responded by just dealing with it. In response to the colonists, Britain shut down the courts. -
The Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts placed duties on imported glass, paper, paint, tea, and led. The cause/reason for these acts are to pay military expensive. The patriots reacted by taking to much power away. The loyalists reacted by doing large scale boycotting. Britain, in response of the colonists, requested more troops. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was when a soldier gets hit with a club, falls, and shoots his gun. Britain is massacring the colonists. The cause for this is when a drunk man argues with one of the soldiers. Britain was keeping the Customs house safe. The patriots were throwing snowballs and ice; while loyalists were trying to calm the crowd down. Britain takes away taxes besides tea and gets rid of the soldiers. Paul Revers famous engraving is significant because people thought that's what happened. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was when Sam Adams and 50 other people dumped tea into the harbor. The reason they did this is because Boston raised the tea tax and they are MAD! The patriots were either dumping the tea or watching it get dumped; while the loyalists tried to stop them. Britain then decided to made something called the Intolerable Acts. -
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts are 5 rules England give Massachusetts to punish them. The cause/reason for this act is the Boston Tea Party. The patriots had a meeting called the Continental Congress. The loyalists thought that Massachusetts deserved this punishment. -
The 1st Continental Congress
The 1st Continental Congress was when the rest of the 12 colonies get together and have a meeting to get Massachusetts out of trouble. The cause/reason for this meeting was the Intolerable Acts. The patriots were sticking up for Massachusetts. They loyalists were trying not to rebel. Britain found out and got on boats. They then headed torward the 13 colonies.