cause of the american evolution

  • the sugar act

    The sugar act cut the duty of the foreign molasses from 6 to 3 for pence for gallons. It retained a high duty on foreign refined sugar and they prohibited the importation of all foreign rum.It also increased revenues to fund enlarged British empire.
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    the stamp act

    The stamp act had the British colonists mad Because the government required them to pay taxes.All of the paper documents and playing card were all taxed.It was important to the american revolution because it serve a common cause and it united 13 colones.
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    The Boston massacre

    The Boston mascare was a street fight.It happend because the British troops settled in Boston to blow the colonies off.People were throwing snowballs stones rocks sticks and even British soldiers.
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    The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party was a way to get back to the government for taxing the tea over 350 boxes of tea were poured into the water.It was planed by a group of patriots called the the sons of liberty.The first major act to defiance to British.