

  • 12,000 BCE

    Cats were first domesticated

    Cats were first domesticated
    Egyptians used cats to worship them for the goddess Bastet. Though the cat looks very similar to the cat now the scientific name for that breed of cat is called Felix iybica. Also during this time, the penalty of killing a cat was death.
  • 1000 BCE

    cats in Europe!!!!!!!

    cats in Europe!!!!!!!
    cats were brought Europe by merchants. though at this time it wasn't common to just own a house cat, it wasn't popular to keep them as pets until about 60 years ago.
  • cats in america

    cats in america
    it wasn't until the late 19th century to the early 20th century until cats were brought across the sea to the US. though when they got here they were actually official employees of the us postal service.