1st computer
When I was in middle school, we got our first computer. It was a second hand computer. I remember typing and typing this long code. At then end you would type run. If you typed EVERYTHING correclty, a butterfly would come on the screen. If you didn't, you would have to start over. -
Worked on main frame computer terminals
These computers only accesses the database. There was no internet connect. -
Got PC at work
1st cell phone
My husband and I both got our first cell phones that year. He chose the bag phone but I went with the cordless one. -
Got 1st email account
Purchased home computer and got dial up internet
Other than the one we had when I was in high school that we didn't really know how to use, this was my first real home computer. -
Learned programming language called FOCUS
I took a job that required some computer programming with FOCUS. I basicly taught it to myself by reviewing already written programs and reading the manual. -
Learned to program using SQL
Our database changed and our programs were then written in SQL. At least this time I went to training to learn SQL. -
1st digital camera
Got high speed internet at home
Got GPS for my car
We got it as a Christmas present and didn't use it for almost a year! -
Opened Facebook account
1st smart phone
Took 1st online class
Started working on my master's degree and took my first online class using moodle. -
Got instagram account
I only got an account to test it out and see if was safe for my son to have an account. -
1st laptop computer
Yes, I know I'm late to the party!