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Catholicism in Early New South Wales

  • Period: to

    Early Catholic Church

  • La Perouse

    La Perouse
    La Perouse celebrates his first Mass in Botany Bay, New South Wales.
  • Irish Catholic Convicts arrive in New South Wales

    Irish Catholic Convicts arrive in New South Wales
    The Majority of the Irish Convicts are Catholic.
  • First Irish Covicts in Botany Bay

    The first Irish Convicts arrived to Botany Bay.
  • A Petition?

    A Petition?
    A group of Lays from Parramatta, who were NOT CONVICTS (they were settlers), ask Governor Phillip if they could have a Catholic Priest. But Governor Phillip says NO.
  • Period: to

    Private Practice of Catholicism

    After the petition, a lot of Irish Catholics privately practice Catholicism.
  • The Irish Rebellion

    The Irish Rebellion
    The British rule in Ireland was tense. Many of the Irish Catholics joined the Conflict against the British rule. Nearly all of the rebels were sent to the Penal Colony of New South Wales in the following year, 1799. Fr James Dixon and 2 other priests were taken to New South Wales
  • 3 Catholic Priests

    3 Catholic Priests
    Fr James Dixon and 2 other Catholic Priests Arrives in Port Jackson.
  • A Public Mass

    A Public Mass
    The first public Mass was led by Fr James Dixon under Government supervision. The Masses rotated Sydney, Parramatta and Hawkesbury. Other places would be added later on.
  • The Castle Hill Rebellion

    The Castle Hill Rebellion
    The Castle Hill Rebellion was why Fr Dixon’s Permit to lead Mass was withdrawn by the Government.
  • Fr Jeremiah Flynn

    Fr Flynn arrives to minister the Catholic Convicts, but has no right to do it.
  • Fr Flynn Ignores

    Fr Flynn Ignores
    Fr Flynn ignores Governor Macquarie's instructions and is arrested.
  • First Offical Priest in Sydney

    First Offical Priest in Sydney
    Fr John Therry and Fr Philip Conolly are the first offical priests in Sydney. They open the first Catholic Schools, and Churches. Fr Conolly leaves to Hobart while Fr John is the only priest on the Australian Mainland.
  • First Catholic School in Parramatta

    First Catholic School in Parramatta
    It is opened by Fr Therry in Parramatta. It is called Parramata Marist High School.
  • St Mary’s Chapel

    St Mary’s Chapel
    The Foundation Stone is laid by Governor Macquarie and is Blessed by Therry.
  • Sydney Gazette Misquote

    Sydney Gazette Misquote
    The misquote triggers the Anglican Establishment and Governor Macquarie removes Fr Therry and replaces him with the Earl of Bathurst.
  • Changing Chaplain

    Fr Daniel Power replaces Fr Therry who moves to Parramatta.
  • First Census

    The first census in Australia takes place. There are 36,598 white people. There are 25,248 Protestants and 11,236 Catholics.
  • Catholics allowed in Parliament!

    Catholics allowed in Parliament!
    In until 1829, the law that Catholics cannot run in the Government is broken.
  • Fr Power Dies

  • New Chaplain

    New Chaplain
    The offical chaplain is Fr John McEncroe.
  • The St Mary’s Chapel is Finished

    The St Mary’s Chapel is Finished
    Fr Therry is the first to lead the Mass.
  • St Mary’s Cathedral

    St Mary’s Cathedral
    The new St Mary’s Chapel is renamed to the St Mary’s Cathedral.
  • Fr Therry as Chaplain

    Fr Therry as Chaplain
    Governor Bourke reinstates Fr Therry as the colonies chaplain.
  • Five Sisters

    Five Sisters
    The Five Sisters arrive in Sydney with a mission to help the poor and disadvantaged.
  • The Convicts Stop Arriving?

    It is until 1840 that convicts shipping is suspended. This is not temporary, but permanent. This was because the Colony of New South Wales might have a bad reputation.
  • Catholic Missionaries Everywhere!

    Catholic Missionaries all over Queensland, NSW and Victoria. Queensland is now part of the Archdiocese.
  • First Bishop in Melbourne

    First Bishop in Melbourne
    Fr James Goold (I’m not familiar with his name) becomes the first Bishop in Melbourne.
  • How Much?

    How Much?
    By the time the Early Catholic Church Period ends, The Archdiocese has 33 parishes, 30 churches, 35 priests who minister the 55,000 (approximately) Catholics which are either Irish or has Irish descent.