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Catholic Charities of Diocese of Allentown-Year 2022 In Review

  • Endowment Funds Boost Food Pantries

    Endowment Funds Boost Food Pantries
    Thanks to additional endowment funds in August, the Diocese was able to open new food pantries.
  • Bishops Annual Appeal

    Bishops Annual Appeal
    Bishop Alfred Schlert gave a homily and talked about topics such as community outreach from faithful Catholics and donating to the Because We Are Catholic Fund (BAA). The Mass was followed by a reception which answered featured BAA fund advisors. Topics included trust documentation, oversight, and asset segregation. The BAA funds can only be used for the charitable purpose. Segregation of Trust Assets-The assets are not assets of the Diocese. They are limited use funds.
  • 2022 Catholic Charities Gala

    2022 Catholic Charities Gala
    The main fundraiser for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Allentown. Held at DeSales University.
  • BAA Trust Begins

    BAA Trust Begins
    Donation collection for BAA Trust began after Easter. The vehicle for it in 2022 was "Because We Are Catholic.
  • New Office Opens

    New Office Opens
    New office opened on 402 W. Chew Street, Allentown. Bishop Alfred Schlert was present to bless the new offices before cutting the ribbon with St. Lukes University Health Network, Sacred Heart, Mr. Frank Ford.