Launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.
Launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. -
Period: to
Saturn mission
The spacecraft passes Venus for the first time.
The spacecraft passes Venus for the first time. -
It travels past Venus again.
It passes Earth for the first time.
Starts a 6 month orbit and study of Jupiter.
Cassini arrives at Saturn and begins to pass Titan and other moons.
The Huygens probe is released on to Titan.
Titan is revealed to be very similar to Earth in terms of structure.
Lakes are found on the surface of Titan.
More lightly coloured rings are discovered when Saturn is backlit by the Sun.
The original mission is finished, so an extension mission is launched.
It is proven that there is hydrocarbon in the water on Titan.
The extension mission is completed, so 2nd extension mission begins.
A huge storm approaches the northern region of Saturn, this later becomes the largest and most visible one seen on Saturn.
A vortex (as in a whirling mass of air) is predicted to be forming in the South pole of Titan.
Hopeful completion of the 2nd extension mission.
The Cassini Huygens shuttle is predicted to start to orbit the outermost rings of Saturn.
The shuttle is predicted to start to orbit around the closer rings to Saturn.