Cassie Foxen

  • Cassie's Birthday

    Cassie's Birthday
    I was born at Mercy hospital in Des Moines, Iowa. I was born on the same day as my aunt's wedding anniversary.
  • Start Preschool

    Start Preschool
    I started preschool when I was 4 years old. I was in the morning group. My mom would pick me up at her lunch hour then take me to daycare.
  • Carsons Birthday

    Carsons Birthday
    Carson was also born at Mercy Hospital. He looked at lot like my brother Bryce from when he was little
  • Trip to South Dakota

    Trip to South Dakota
    My famiy and I went to South Dakota for a roadtrip. We stayed there for 3 days
  • Moves to Charles City

    Moves to Charles City
    We moved to Charles City after my parents got divorced. My mom had moved out of our house in Des Moines a couple months before.
  • Cassie starts school at Charles City

    Cassie starts school at Charles City
    I stared school halfway through the school year when I was in 2nd grade. Lauren Connell had come a the beginning of the school year in 2008.
  • Moved into our own house

    Moved into our own house
    We had been living with my grandma for a couple of months. We moved into my current house
  • School Starts

    School Starts
    3rd grade starts. Im not the "new girl" anymore.
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    This is roughly the amount of time I was in elemetary school. My favorite teacher from I.C. was Mrs. Boggess. She was my teacher for 5th and 6th grade
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I had come from I.C. which means that eveybody in 7th grade had known eachother for about a year. I.C. people coome to MS i 7th grade when Washington and Lincoln kids come for 6th grade.
  • 8th grade

    8th grade
    Around this time 8th grade starts. Two new kids come.
  • Bryce Joins Marines

    Bryce Joins Marines
    Bryce has gotten accepted into the naval academy. He is now deployed into warzones.
  • High school

    High school
    High school. People say that High school is the most stressful. Between friends and school and sports, it gets chaotic.
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    Freshmen through Junior year.

    Last years before senior year. My friends will probably be flipping out but I would have seen it happen so many times with my brothers that I won't think it's a big deal
  • Senior year

    Senior year
    I apply to Julliard in New York City. I have my last year with my friends
  • Graduation

    Around this time I graduate. I got into Julliard. I'm packing for New York City. Me and McKenna Oleson leave for New York so we can move into our apartment and start classes
  • Classes start

    Classes start
    Me and McKenna start classes. We furnish our apartment.
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    Around This time Me and McKenna finish Collage and I have become a great actress. McKenna has become a great singer.
  • Audition for awesome movie

    Audition for awesome movie
    I audition for an awesome movie as the main charecter. I show them my experience at Julliard. The audition is in Los Angeles
  • Move to Los Angeles

    Move to Los Angeles
    I scored the role and McKenna is the other lead female role. We furnish our new apartment and I get a dog and she gets a cat.
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    At this point in life i'll be 23 or 24 years old and have a big career ahead of me. Me and Dukey, my golden retriever, will live happily ever after, and get rich.