Allocation Of Resources
In your timeline indicate who will:
1. Be the project manager (email your instructor which student this is)
2. Be the technical specialist(s) (email your instructor which student(s) this is)
3. When team meetings and wiki discussions will take place (use google sites in preference to pworks.com for the wiki). -
Communication plan
Communications plan –
1. Show when it was developed in the timeline
2. Briefly explain whether your team will use face-to-face meetings, email, face book, Google sites – wiki,…etc.
3. Indicate what type of communication will take place in the timeline. -
Create A Team Wiki
Use Google sites instead of pbworks.com to create the team wiki (new change – for 2013!!!)
Team discussion information should be documented here! (include the instructor in the team – so they monitor your progress)
Load a time line into the wiki so as the instructor can see it. -
Reporting Schedule
In your time line indicate the date you will email you instructor (e.sokratis@chisholm.edu.au) progress reports on what you have achieved and where you are up to in the project. -
Select The Appropriate Services And Equipment
Task 2.1 – researched information – you have this already!!
• Task 3.1 – produce 2 forms (as shown on page 10 of the case study document). One for all of the work workstations and the other form for the server your team proposes. (email this to the instructor and keep a record for your team report and powerpoint slides) -
Gathering information to determine customer requirements
Plan The Installation
- Use the floor plan on page 8 to indicate the layout of all equipment and power outlets.
2.(a) write down the logical – ip numbering scheme (note: dhcp – dynamic should be used here. Static ip numbers are not appropriate!)
(b) location and name of all equipment used in the physical layout. - (a) set up a packet tracer prototype to simulate this plan for this company.
(b) set up part of the simulation on real equipment in room a142 – berwick.
- Use the floor plan on page 8 to indicate the layout of all equipment and power outlets.
Clarify And Understand Information On These Pages To Determine
- Computer, laser printers, scanners, utp cable, network equipment (wireless and wired), equipment upgrades or replacements.
- Do research on the internet to be determine the lowest/best prices for all mentioned in part 1. Above. List: cost, item name and url of where this found on the internet. Write down the total of all items
- Indicate what software/isp services are needed to allow company individuals perorm their work, receive/send email and prepare their (read page 9 of case study do
Prepare And Present The Proposal
Task 5.1 written report and power point slide show.
Read information and requirements on pages 13 to 14 and pages 17 to 18 -
Review Information
Ask your instructor for further clarification of the information specified pages 7 to 9. Make sure you write down specific questions to ask them regarding the information found here!!!!