Ready to Enter the Carton 2 Garden Contest
The Entry Packet for Carton 2 Garden is here! -
Period: to
The Champion Theme Middle School Carton 2 Garden Entry Time Line
Brainstorming and Planning Begins for Projects
Many ideas are generated by Students, Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, & Community Partners -
Schoolwide Announcement of Carton 2 Garden Competition
Start Collection of cartons -
Time to Paint (Non Toxic Paint)
How beautiful are our creations? Family members were also invited to be apart of this event! -
Cartons & Plants as gifts for families
Students painted cartons with non-toxic paint and planted in the cartons. These beautiful creations were given to parents and grand parents as Christmas presents. The creations were also used as table decorations for the Club's end of semester party. -
December 206 Cartons
206 Cartons collected so far! -
More Cartons are collected
Students, parents, and grandparents are excited and continuing with washing,drying, and painting!
We are on our way to meeting our goal of 1000 cartons! -
More Cartons to Paint!
The school wide collection is paying off. We have more cartons to paint. -
More Cartons!
We are on our way to reaching our goal of 1000 cartons!!!!!
This is a school wide effort. Teachers were given a box to collect their cartons. -
Collection Continues!
Over 500 Collected. Half way to our goal!
Continue to wash & dry. -
More Planning is needed
More planning was needed as we collected more cartons. -
Bird Feeders From Cartons
Mr.Phillips and the students made amazing birdfeeders for our avion friends. What a great way to teach the GA Performace Science standard of Food Webs! -
Over 900 Cartons are collected
We are a 100 short for our goal of 1000 cartons. We can do it Champion Chargers!!!!!!! -
1000 Cartons...WE HAVE MET OUR GOAL!
Goal is met! -
Cartons Around Champion MS
It was time for us to use our own school's compost from our vermicompost to plant our seeds in the cartons. We have over 400 cartons to plant seeds in! -
Over a 1000!
The students are still collecting and bringing them by the Science Club's room. What dedication! -
6th Grade Mrs.Hurley's Class
The 6th grade students were able to be a aprt of the Carton 2 Garden competition today. The 6th graders learned about recycling,rain gauges, the water cycle, healthy eating habits, and they even got to plant and take their own carton home. Students created their own rain gauges as well to place in our garden or to take home to their own home gardens.Some students mentioned that they might even start their own classroom garden. -
Elementary School Partnership/Outreach
The students of the Science Club visited and taught a lesson on recycling, pants,and habitats. The Wynbrooke Elementary students were very interested in knowing about planting, seeds, and healthy eating habits. Students planted kale, tomatoes, and cabbage in the milk cartons they had colected and they were excited to take these catrons home to care for their soom to emerge plants! -
8th Grade Ms.Gartrell's Class
Ms.Gartrell's class got to be apart of the Carton 2 Garden Project today! The 8th graders were very impressed with how the food scraps they have been collecting from the cafetria as a school had turned into "compost" thanks to our redwigglers! The students were excited about planting kale, lettuce,carrots, and tomatoes in their recycled cartons! Having heard the health benefits of kale many of the students mentined that they are going to ask their parents to purchase kale from now on. -
FINAL COUNT: 1065 Cartons
4 months and 1065 cratons collected! 65 more than our target. -
Community Outreach: SMCG
Students planted seeds in cartons and made bird feeders to take to the Stone Mountain Community Garden. The Science club partnerships by volunteering at the garden. SMCG provide fresh fruits and vegetables to needy families in the neighborhood. This is a service learning opportunity for our middle school students. This partnership has been ongoing for 4 years. -
Ms.Howard's 7th Grade Class
The students of Ms.Howard's 7th Grade class participated in a composting and planting lesson. The students got to learn about composting and they planted seeds to take home with them. All students were so excited about the seeds they planted and of the idea of having a plant that they will be able to eat from. Many of the students planted Kale and Carrot seeds. -
Victory Time
The Science Club of The Champion Theme Middle School has exceeded their goal of 1000 cartons. We have 1065 Cartons! -
Ms.Winfrey's 7th Grade Class
Ms.Winfrey's students were in for a treat as they learned about the benefits of composting and eating nutritious fruits and vegetables. The lesson was presented by none other than one of their peers who is also a Science Club member. The students also got to sample kale smoothies which they helped make! For many students this was the first time they had tried kale. Ms,Watrous our community partner, from Food Corp and Captain Planet Foundation,made the best tasting kale smoothies ever.