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Carter through Bush Jr.4
Sagebrush Rebellion
PictureRARE 1 was challenged by the Sagebrush rebels for a lack of uniform evaluation criteria. -
Camp David Accords
PictureCarter 's greatest foreign achievement with a peace treaty between Anwar Sadat (Egyptian President) and MEnachem Begin (Israeli Prim Minister). -
Moral Majority
PictureJerry Falwell founded Moral Majority to support conservative issues. It recieved most support from evangelical Christions. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
PictureCarter's greatest foreign crisis where the U.S. backed Shah were overthrown by an Islamic Revolution headed by the religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Members took 52 American hostages for 444 days. -
Carter against U.S.S.R.
PictureCarter boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics and placed an embargo of grain exports on the U.S.S.R. after they invaded Afghanistan. -
Reagan Doctrine: Fight Communiusim
PictureGave aid and military support to those who opposed communism. Particularly the Mujahadeen fighting the Soviet invaders and the Contras who were trying to overthrow the socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. -
Reagan's Economic Approach
PictureReagan used Supply-side Economics or the "trikle down" effefct to assist the economy. It gives relief to the upper class to "trickle down" the economic heirarchy. -
Iran-Contra Scandal Bust
PictureColonel Oliover North had sold weapons to Iran in exchange for U.S. hostages in the Middle East under the table. Congress gave the money to the Contras after they had forbidden it. -
INF Treaty
PictureReagan and the new Societ Premier Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. -
George H. W. Bush No New Taxes
PictureBush declared that he would pass no new taxes but later did due to an increasing federal budget deficit. -
PictureForbids discrimination and mandated access to public places in regards to people with physical or mental disabilities. -
Kuwait Liberated
PictureWuwait was liberated but the U.S. stopped short of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. -
Soviet Union Dissolved
PictureBoris Yeltsin defied the coup leaders as the Russian President and used the public support to force the coup's collapse. The Soviet Union dissolved when all 15 republics declared independence. -
PictureNorth American Free Trade Agreement joined the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in promoting free trade to compete with the European Union. -
Domestic Terrorism
PictureTimothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma which killed 168 civilians. -
Operation Desert Storm
PictureThe U.S. organized a U.N. coalition or forces to expel Iraq from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War. -
Clinton Scandal
PictureClinton was impeached from office by the House but was accuited by the Senate and remained in office. -
Homeland Security
PictureThe Department of Homland Security was created to coordinate government agencies in the war on terror. -
PictureThe Internet starts as a project of the Defense Department to allow electronic communication between government agencies, defense contractorsm and universities. -