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Carson's Mexico Timeline

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    The War of Independence

    The Mexicans rally and start a war of independence starting with the Cry of Dolores. The war lasted 11 years with Mexico winning out. This is important because Mexico would still be ruled by the Spainish.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    Texas decides to break away and become the Republic of Texas. This is important because without this Mexico would still have Texas and be a bigger land.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War
    Mexico and the United States fight over land of Texas. This is important because they got some land of Texas.
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    In 1853 Mexico purchased the Gadsden Purchase. This is important because Mexico gained a far amount of land.
  • Benito Juarez Brings Reform

    Benito Juarez Brings Reform
    Benito Juarez is a man who rose from poverty to become the president of Mexico. This is important because he was a Native American and helped the Native Americans.
  • Foreign Intervention in Mexico

    Foreign Intervention in Mexico
    The War of Reform left Mexico weak that Spain, Britain, and France sent troops into Mexico. This is important because it shows how weak Mexico was at some times.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    Only 800 families owned 90% of the land of 15 milloin people.This is important because it shows how poor they were at one time.
  • Booming Oil Industry

    Booming Oil Industry
    Mexico biggest natural resource was oil. This is important because it helped Mexico's economy.
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    Toursism is Mexico second biggest business.This is important because it helps Mexico's job situation and economy.

    NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement. This is important because reduced taxes on items traded among Mexico.