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  • Period: 33 to 330

    Early Church

  • 250

    Empire Wide Persecution

    Empire Wide Persecution
    Under Decius many Christians fall way and create schism in the church
  • Period: 330 to 500

    Christian Empire

  • 358

    Foundations for Religious Communities

    Foundations for Religious Communities
    Basil the Great founds a monastery, laying foundations for religious communities ever after.
  • 390

    Killings of Thessalonica

    Killings of Thessalonica
    Ambrose defies Emperor Theodosius, refusing him Communion after his brutal killing of thousands in Thessalonica; the act influences church-state relations for generations.
  • 405

    First Vulgate in Latin

    First Vulgate in Latin
    Jerome Completes the Vulgate; first great translation into Latin from the original Greek and Hebrew; later used to establish Roman Catholic Church authority when it becomes only official translation
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 529

    Justinian's Code

    Justinian's Code
    Justinian's Code is published; it becomes the basis for later canon law in the West, thus shaping medieval society.
  • 716

    The Spread of Christianity

    The Spread of Christianity
    Boniface's mission to the Germans spreads Christianity to pagan northern Europe, preparing the way for the later Holy Roman Empire.
  • 1093

    Anselm's Lasting Works

    Anselm's Lasting Works
    Anselm named archbishop of Canterbury, a post from which he writes lasting works on the Atonement and proofs for God's existence.
  • 1321

    Dante's Devine Comedy

    Dante's Devine Comedy
    Dante's Divine Comedy gives masterful poetic expression to medieval concepts of hell, heaven, and purgatory, and shapes later thought.
  • 1380

    First English Bible

    First English Bible
    John Wyclif supervises Bible translation, leaving the first complete English Bible.
  • 1456

    The Holy Bible

    The Holy Bible
    Gutenberg Produces the First Printed Bible; sparked a revolution in society and the church. Books could now be produced in quantities and at prices that made them available to many people, not merely to scholars and monks. The resulting explosion of knowledge continues to accelerate in our day. Paved the way for the Reformation.