
Caroline Brooks

  • Who is this girl?

    Who is this girl?
    I'm Caroline Brooks (Bunch) and I'm am 24 years old. I recently got married to a wonderful man, Josh on May 1, 2015. We have two lab mixes named Deuce and Luke who are definitely a handful.
  • Why Education?

    As a little girl I always played "School" with my step-sister (who is also an Education major). As I grew up I started my first job at the Anderson area YMCA's after-school program at Townville Elementary. I had always put teaching aside and pursued other career interests until my job as a counselor made me realize I genuinely love being around young children and helping them grow. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to shape our future generations.
  • Likes & Dislikes

    Fall is my favorite time of year because the temperature is perfect, I adore all of the cute fall clothes and of course, pumpkin everything! I despise camping. I hate the bugs, the uncomfortable camper, the nasty showers and bathrooms and most of all not being able to sleep in my own bed. Since my in-laws go camping every summer near Lake Greenwood I have tried to give camping s chance but we always go to visit and hang out on the lake but when it comes time to "camp" I'm gone.
  • What I Would Like To Gain From This Course

    I hope to gain knowledge of how to effectively use ever-changing technology (and lack of) in an early childhood classroom.