carley lombard

  • signing of the treaty of paris

    signing of the treaty of paris
    1.signed on September 3, 1783
    2.ratified by the Congress of the Confederation on 14 January 1784 and by the King of Great Britain on 9 April 1784 .
    3.The other combatant nations, France, Spain and the Dutch Republic had separate agreements
  • queen liliiokalani becomes queen of hawaii

    queen liliiokalani becomes queen of hawaii
    1. was the last monarch and only queen regant of hawaii
    2. she was also known as Lydia Kamakaʻeha 3.with the chosen royal name of Liliʻuokalani, and she was later named Kaolupoloni K. Dominis.
  • William Mcinley proclaims Hawaii and officacial state

    William Mcinley proclaims Hawaii and officacial state
    1. presided for Hawaii to become an official state 2.reelected in 1990. 3, Was assasenated
  • Matthew Perry sails a fleet to Japan

    Matthew Perry sails a fleet to Japan
    1. was the commador of the US navy
    2. compelled the opening of Japan to the west of the Convenstion of kanagawa.
    3. was assigned the USS Revenge
  • William Seward buys Alaska

    William Seward buys Alaska
    1. purchaced Alaska on March 30, 1867.
    2. 586,412 milea of land was purchased 3.700,200,000 or 2 cents per acre
  • TR and rough riders charege san juan hill

    TR and rough riders charege san juan hill
    1. there were many hardships 2.The heights were a north-south running elevation about two kilometers east of Santiago de Cuba. 3.The names San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill were names given by the Americans.
  • USS maine is blown up

    USS maine is blown up
    1,The blowing up of the battleship USS Maaine was a big part in the war.
    2.19th-century ship of the United States Navy, exploded and sank on February 15, 1898.
    3. The cause of the exprostion is still unknown
  • William Mcinley declares war on spain begins spanish american war

    William Mcinley declares war on spain begins spanish american war
    1. this small war led to big world power was a victory with possesions of the phillepeans 3.The brutal Spanish response turned American sympathies to the Cuban insurgents.
  • Rosevelt corollary

    Rosevelt corollary
    1. ammendment to the Monroe doctrine 2.right of america to intervine in carribean affairs 3.catalyst for rooseevelt callavary with germna aggression
  • roosefelt sends great white fleet acrosss the world

    roosefelt sends great white fleet acrosss the world
    1.the United States also established a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to ensure the safety of the Panama Canal, then under construction.
    2.there was 16 battleships involved
    3.They were USS Kearsarge (BB-5), USS Kentucky (BB-6), USS Illinois (BB-7), USS Alabama (BB-8), USS Maine (BB-10), USS Missouri (BB-11), USS Ohio (BB-12), USS Virginia (BB-13), USS Georgia (BB-15), USS New Jersey (BB-16), USS Rhode Island (BB-17), USS Connecticut (BB-18), USS Louisiana (BB-19), USS Vermont (BB-20), USS
  • woodrow Wilson elected President

    woodrow Wilson elected President
    1. election was fought between 3 canadates 2.Wilson defeated Taft and Rosevelt
    2. Wilson won 42 percent of the popular vote
  • panama canal completed

    panama canal completed
    1.By the time the canal was completed, a total of 27,500 workmen are estimated to have died in the French and American efforts.
    2.canal had many problems throughout the constuction
    3.Since opening, the canal has been enormously successful, and continues to be a key conduit for international maritime trade.