Carl Sagan

  • Sagan started working as an advisor for NASA

    Sagan started working as an advisor for NASA
    He started working as an advisor
  • Mariner 2 confired Sagan's views that venus was dry and very hot

    Mariner 2 confired Sagan's views that venus was dry and very hot
  • 1st achieved national attention with his book "intelligent life in the universe"

    1st achieved national attention with his book "intelligent life in the universe"
  • Wrote article on the potential of life on the planets for national geographics

    Wrote article on the potential of life on the planets for national geographics
  • Sagan and Pollack solved mystery about the seasonal "wave or darkening" on mars

  • Named director of Cornell's laboratory for planetary studies

  • became associate director of the center for the radio physics and space research at cornell

  • Arecibo message sent to space was helped by sagan to launch

    Arecibo message sent to space was helped by sagan to launch
  • Sagan decided to test the capacity of television to bring science to a mass audience

    Sagan decided to test the capacity of television to bring science to a mass audience
  • Sagan became a founding member of the committee for the scientific investigation of claims of the paranormal

  • television series Cosmos: a personal voyage aired

    television series Cosmos: a personal voyage aired
  • Sagan introduced the idea of "Nuclear Winter"

    Sagan introduced the idea of "Nuclear Winter"
  • Sagan participated in an extensive scientific study of the atmosphere consequences of nuclear war

    Sagan participated in an extensive scientific study of the atmosphere consequences of nuclear war
  • Sagan died of a rare bone marrow disease

    Sagan died of a rare bone marrow disease