Careers timeline

  • First money

    First money
    My first form of money was my dads pocket change. Daily he would give me his pocket change and I would put it in my piggy bank. This was my first form of saving money. I knew if I added all my money together I would be able to buy something of greater value.
  • first purchase

    first purchase
    With birthday money and pocket change as my "income" i saved up enough money to buy myself Ps3. I pretty much drained my whole bank account. This purchase was a very cool experience for me as I learned that all of my years of saving could get me a toy I would love.
  • My family moves to kelowna.

    My family moves to kelowna.
    this was an impactful event for my family's financial situation. Moving to Kelowna would pay my dad quite a bit more. When we first moved we rented a condo unit while we built a house. this took a bit of a toll on our financial situation and my Mom moved from a part time job in Calgary to a full time job in Kelowna.
  • Finland Hockey Academy trip.

    Finland Hockey Academy trip.
    This year in November I will be travelling to Finland for 10 days. This trip is with the hockey academy. Unfortunately I wasn't successful with the fundraising, so my family will be supporting me with this trip. this is a big financial event because it will cost $3300. this event will be a once in a lifetime experience so it is worth the money.
  • New dirt bike

    New dirt bike
    I want to purchase a new dirt bike during high school. in order to do this i need to sell my current dirt bike as well as make extra money to pay the difference. this event is significant because i never knew I enjoyed dirt biking until I moved to Kelowna. It is a sport that I value and I feel it keeps me out of trouble. It allows me to hangout with my friends and explore some of the coolest spots in the Okanagon.
  • Buying my first car

    Buying my first car
    When I decide to buy my first car it will take a toll on my personal financial wellness. With a minimum wage job, paying gas and insurance will be quite a task. I will do my best to save up as much as I can now so that i have some money that i can use for these payments.
  • University living expenses

    University living expenses
    I want to go to the UBCO or U of C if I chose to go to stay in the Okanogan i will be paying rent somewhere in Kelowna. I will also be paying rent in Calgary but my grandparents may let me live in their basement for a couple of years while i study in Calgary. rent is pretty expensive, therefore i will be maintaining a part time job while I study.
  • Part time job

    Part time job
    This will be a financial must for me. This is a key moment where money will impact me, as will need the money. I want to work as a bartender, or maybe somewhere sports related in university. This job is key to me being able to pay my rent as well as save up for a house in the future.
  • Buying my first house

    Buying my first house
    This will be the biggest financial moment in my life. I will be purchasing a decent sized home within the financial limitations of my job. This house will allow me to begin building my life and setting up my future. When I have lived here and my financial situation can afford more, I will buy my ideal home in a good location.